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Pooped out… and all that goes with it


Jul 23, 2021
Hi all. Going to post a not so uncommon thread on IBS or stomach issues that cause diarrhea/soupy poo and ask for advice.

Inherited a 6month old Sphinx kitten after my mom passed.

She had awful ear mites and an infection in her ears. But otherwise healthy so I thought. Over time I noticed that she has had soupy poo and unformed poo piles. Then diarrhea. So I took her off the kitten chow she was on and switched to grain free, store bought Rachel Ray chicken. Thought that might help. It didn’t. So went up a notch to Instinct chicken. Still no change. Took her to the vet, and after almost 1,000 in bills. Still no improvement. So - I’ve now had her since June and she still has soupy poo.

I know it has to burn. I can hear her tummy gurgling. She has awful gas. And of course I stress her out because she gets her tail, feet in it and then needs wiped or bathed. Which she HATES with a passion.

I have a routine for antibiotics for her until out, pumpkin and a probiotic supplement from the doctor as well.

Does anyone have the same issue? My vet wrung his hands. He has no idea what else to do. And thinks she just has something wrong with her intestinal system. She IS growing well and is mostly happy and active.

I can use any help - things that might have worked for you? Or ideas of other things to try? I can’t imagine she will do well to continue this way for long. I also am a single mom with three kids, so I used a whole months rent on her already. I need to try some affordable options.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 22, 2018
I'm sorry for your mom's passing and sorry you're and the kitten are going through the stomach problems. Unfortunately as I live in the UK I can't help with food suggestions but I'm sure someone from your neck of the woods will be able to advise.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@AlienKitties , oh sweetie, squeeze hugs. my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your mom. bless your heart for taking in her adorable baby. what is her name?
did vet do a stool sample check? rule out giardia?

my adoptees had some poo issues, they could not handle grain free Acana. I switched many years ago to Nutrisource cat and kitten food (no recalls), about $35 for a 16lb bag, and never looked back. I have an IBD bengal cat and it made a world of difference for her too. I get it onllne and some small stores can order it. my moms cat recently switched to it too. it is touted for gut health. I can free feed along with a can of shared wet food . each kitty is different but wanted to share what has worked for my sensitive tummy kitties. no more poo issues, can free feed and go no problems.

hugs n positive vibes to you, your family , and baby kitty. we are here for you.


Jul 23, 2021
Thanks all - I appreciate it.

I will ask them if they checked for giardia. I thought of that too. I remember a dog that had issues with it for months. Wondering if she got into the dogs water. Hard to say. But it’s so bad. I feel so bad for her. Sometimes she’ll let gas and out oozes yuckies. She can’t help it. But it makes for messes and then the other cats from my original household get upset. Which causes other issues. So right now we are certainly dealing with a lot.

She has such a wonderful nature so I am hoping she will heal!!


Sep 16, 2019
I’m so sorry for the passing of your mom.

When I added Malakai, my Elf Sphynx, to my fuzzy crew, I switched everybody over to the same crunchies that Mal was eating. You can get it at tractor supply, it’s actually very high quality, but won’t break the bank like some other brands. It’s their 4 Health line, I get the purple bag which is for all ages and stages. I then supplement Mal with a freeze dried raw rabbit diet mixed with pumpkin; he gets a serving of that twice a day. All my other kitties took to it, and it actually helped one of my older cats drop a few extra pounds.

The antibiotics are probably your worst enemy when it comes to firm poops, and hopefully when she’s done the probiotics and pumpkin will be able to do their job. Good luck to you and your little wrinkle monster. Please let us know how things go.