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Prayers for TobyLove.. moderate enlarged heart, in CHF, face lump suspect cancer cells


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 10, 2011
Its so good to see things improving. I keep hoping for more good news and here it is. You are such a great attentive, loving mom. Your babies are so lucky and it is so good the universe is rewarding you all with an upswing. Yay to you and the zoo…

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
2 months today diagnosed.
My baby Tobyove being a little warrior
. Thank you for the continued prayers. He is improved on meds. Eating , playing, powering on together

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
thank you all for continued prayers and positive thoughts for Tobylove and his Bestie Boo pup.
1/24/25 Update:

Tobylove 2 mos, 2 days since diagnosis of HCM/CHF and rare spindle cell lump on side of face.
every moment a gift.

I am going to reduce his dosage of furosemide dosage that is affecting kidney values on blood work. his other meds staying the same dosage.
Vet recommended to give furosemide 1x a day instead of 2 . I did it for a few days and he started coughing slightly again a couple of times during one night.

I called vet and shared my thoughts about adjusting his dosage his furosemide 2 pills per day, every other day. the inbetween days 1 pill in the am.

she agreed that would be fine.
( My vet also gave me separate furosemide strict regimen dosing instructions if he starts to cough more than the once or twice he did that one night with the reduced dosage of 1x a day.)

the lump on the side of the face is staying about the same size. praying those rare spindle cells are not cancer as they also can be seen sometimes in benign tumors per my vet. No further testing to be done on the face lump. he would not be a candidate for surgery bcz of his heart.

Tobylove is a little warrior.

he is playing more and more with Batman and ClaireBare acting like his usual self.

Today I knew he felt great . I heard a sound I had not heard since his diagnosis. I checked and he knocked off the 6 gallon fish tank cover of his peapuffer fish tank.

A sound that pre diagnosis I disliked.

Today, that same sound brought a smile knowing he was feeling good. so I got out a little duct tape to the lid once again . He quickly ran away all proud of himself ..

treasuring every moment with Tobylove kisses


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 10, 2011
Sending prayers to you and the zoo for continued stability in health and strength. We should all make today count with those we care about. Glad TonyLove is back to his sassiness….what will he think of next????

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@tuffysmommy , thank you for the continued prayers. right back at you. hope your Dr appointment went well.

well, what well he think of next... here it is...

Tobylove won't eat out of his raised dishes anymore. his new thing is to eat dry food on his blankie. soo, took my cloth makeup squares that are like his fav blankie material and put his dry kibble on it. Voila! it's like his new fav food dish.. silly boy.. I bring it to him on his blankie and he eats it all up. I know it's been colder here in FL and perhaps does not like sitting on the cold floor, even though heat is turned up. so doing what works. I do it too with his wet food . eats it all up.
hugs n head smooches~


Sep 20, 2023
Sounds like breakfast in bed!!!
I remember when toadie had bad bad uri coupled with asthma flare up I would hand deliver his crunchies (dry food) to his bed and put on the fleece :)

So glad to hear about all the happy moments and noises

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
update: Tobylove coughed 2 times saturday night while sleeping, and 3 times Sunday night for about 3 seconds each. his respiration rates increased to near 48 at rest sleeping. I contacted my vet yesterday. during the day totally acting his silly self even with increased respirations.

Vet suggested giving him his furosemide 1/2 pill every 8 hours for 3 days. then go back to his normal 2x a day furosemide.

started yesterday. he did not cough last night.
He did get up at 2 am for a slow stroll talk on his cat wheel. still playing with his siblings and eating and rolling over for Tobylove kisses.

He was up early for play and cuddles like his usual self. His respirations are down to 36 this morning. I have learned not to chase numbers with respirations and go with the flow knowing his average on the journey and monitor for noticeable changes.

I know his average breathing rate since starting the journey is about 36. continuing to monitor and live in the moment with Tobylove kisses.

I would never know he has advanced HCM the way he is acting , eating , playing and cuddling.

** has anyone with a baby with advanced HCM done this 3 day/ every 8 hour dosing?
I do know that on the journey sometimes the regular dosage of Furosemide may need to increased on the journey

appreciate continued lair good vibes for Tobylove

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
Wednesday update: last day of 3 pills per day..
Toblove's breathing rate down to avg about 32-36. I will take it .

Tobylove is running Zoomies up and down the cat tree, wide eyed chasing n playing Claire Bare n Batman, leaping off dresser to bed , rolling around for belly rubs play n tobylove kisses. , kicking the snot out of his toys , acting like a kitten. Strolled talked on his cat wheel.

I know the meds affect kidneys , however more concerned about his heart .
(Macie Mae bengal diagnosed CKD stage 2, 3 yrs ago, still with me running around like an nut playing with the pups, she is more of dog cat )

I am going to call vet tmrw.

I am really thinking that the (3) 1/2 pill every 8 hours of furosemide a day working better for him. and no coughing.

my understanding over time, it is not uncommon for needing to increase the furosemide dosage.

@tontiangel yes, he has gotten used to breakfast,... lunch and dinner in bed.. gets him to finish the bowl clean vs. free feeding on floor.

thank you all for the care and support on the journey with me crew.
here for you as you all are for me.

off for some Tobylove kisses!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Aug 8, 2017
@Yoda mom - zoomies sound like a good sign to me! Plus all the other positive activities! YAY, YAY, YAY!

Continued care and love sent from me…..and Raphael too!

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Annejo12 , thank you and Raphael.
zoomies a good sign! however his breathing rate at rest is 36-42 , too high for my comfort.
I called vet office this afternoon. Tobylove goes back to his 2x a day 1/2 pill dosage tomorrow. I get nervous because weekend approaching.

I was able to finally catch a urine sample the vet wanted. lol as soon as squated , I put a dollar store soup ladle under him to free catch urine.
vet gave me a Idexx zorb litter kit, with pippet and test tube. he refused to use it. so did it the old fashion way.
will know results 24-48 hours.

hope you and Raphael cuddling and getting in some good bird watching together. love hugs n positive vibe head smooches. she us such a sweetie!
sharing a group some of us joined: sphynx hearts Feline HCM support group

off to give Tobylove his Clopidogrel blood clot preventative pill.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@tontiangel , @kauna and all. please continued positive vibes for Tobylove.

he is in good spirits , eats, drinks, plays. yesterday was his last day of 3 doses every 8 hours for 3 days.

However, last night, he had 3 coughing episodes for about 5 seconds, a few hours apart . then went back to sleep on my feet with his fuzzy toy. I called vet office this morning. going to continue the 3 pills every 8 hours today and tomorrow and flwup with vet.

Right now he is sleeping with his little paws wrapped around his fuzzy toy . Off to share some Tobylove kisses with him , ClaireBare, Batman.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Nov 27, 2019
@tontiangel , @kauna and all. please continued positive vibes for Tobylove.

he is in good spirits , eats, drinks, plays. yesterday was his last day of 3 doses every 8 hours for 3 days.

However, last night, he had 3 coughing episodes for about 5 seconds, a few hours apart . then went back to sleep on my feet with his fuzzy toy. I called vet office this morning. going to continue the 3 pills every 8 hours today and tomorrow and flwup with vet.

Right now he is sleeping with his little paws wrapped around his fuzzy toy . Off to share some Tobylove kisses with him , ClaireBare, Batman.
Hang in there and love on your babies, know the prayers and well wishes are still pouring in for you and them!!

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Aryasmum , thank you.. my vet called me at 7pm last night to check in on Tobylove and give urinalysis results.
UA was good, not dehydrated
! I do my best to push water and wet food.
we discussed meds. she said to do the 3 day every 8 hour furosemide dose until no cough.
she does not want every day 3 doses because they can become dehydrated.

will do 1 more day today Friday, then back to his 1/2 pill 2x a day.

He did not cough last night , yah, I will take it. !

This morning Tobylove prompt ran across my head at 6am head butting me and running all over me to tell me get up ad "feed me" lol. made me smile.
then his eyes as wide as saucers playing, tummy rubs, and doing my hair with his fangs. he ate, got pills and now snoozing with Claire Bare and Batman. His respirations better today too,, 32 avg, this morning. he is running around this morning like a wild child. , no coughing. I will take it :) powering on with Tobylove Kisses.

hugs n head smooches.


Sep 20, 2023
@Aryasmum , thank you.. my vet called me at 7pm last night to check in on Tobylove and give urinalysis results.
UA was good, not dehydrated
! I do my best to push water and wet food.
we discussed meds. she said to do the 3 day every 8 hour furosemide dose until no cough.
she does not want every day 3 doses because they can become dehydrated.

will do 1 more day today Friday, then back to his 1/2 pill 2x a day.

He did not cough last night , yah, I will take it. !

This morning Tobylove prompt ran across my head at 6am head butting me and running all over me to tell me get up ad "feed me" lol. made me smile.
then his eyes as wide as saucers playing, tummy rubs, and doing my hair with his fangs. he ate, got pills and now snoozing with Claire Bare and Batman. His respirations better today too,, 32 avg, this morning. he is running around this morning like a wild child. , no coughing. I will take it :) powering on with Tobylove Kisses.

hugs n head smooches.
Yaya that’s so great and glad you got plan before weekend vets off