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Questions About Walking/Bringing Cat Outside


Feb 25, 2015
Hey there

I am hoping I might be able to get some information/suggestions about this topic.

I want my kitten to be comfortable going on errands with me, and short walks and such and I am wondering what the best method to get him used to this would be. Currently hes been outside with me a few times (just out to my car to grab something I had forgotten) and seems more than comfortable tucked into the top part of my hoodie, so that his head is poking out the top by my neck. Obviously this isnt ideal for trips more than a few minutes so I'm wondering what I should get so that he can start going on errands and stuff with me.

Im just wondering if anyone has any experience with the sling style bags that go around your shoulder and act as sort of a hammock for the cat? I also stumbled upon something called the cat in the bag carrier.

Has anyone tried this? If so, how did it work?

I am opposed to using a stroller, for aesthetic reasons, also they seem quite cumbersome. So I'd like something that is a little more portable.

Also for those people who bring their cat outside, I am wondering on how the bathroom situation works...Do your cats normally hold their bathroom stuff until you are by a little box? In other words how do you deal with that side of things?

Hope this all makes sense. And thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me.


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Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think your baby would be more safe to have a harness and leash on,
regardless if you are holding or having a sling. Because if he would get
scared and jump he might get away so fast and get hurt. I wouldn't chance
@Cleopatra Beers could probably help with the other issues as far as bathroom issues. She takes hers out a lot, she also uses a stroller with the harness and leash.
I don't take my Izmae out no where. Just if a Vet visit.


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 10, 2014
Personally, I don't like the look of the cat in the bag -- mostly the neck aspect. It just makes me nervous, and I can't really say why, but it seems unsafe.

Having said that, if it works for people, then that's a good thing.

To the vet, I take Max in a carrier and he's happy with that.

To the store or for "walks", I use a vest style harness and a shirt.


Here's Hubby on an outing with Max:





V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 23, 2012
A good and snug harness and leash is your best bet... can tote them around in a sling or something with that on.

I was gung-ho about taking ours everywhere... that went out the window when we got the second one and it was twice as much work LOL.

Molly rides comfortably around in a totebag/ big purse in the summer months. Leo is too big for that and moves around waaaay too much.

So we got the stroller... it is actually a handy thing to have when both of them need to go some where, like the vets.

In the summer when we go out, they will pee on the grass on their leash and harness, but never poop. If we are going to be more than an hour, the portable litter box comes in the vehicle with us.


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
I agree with the others - I wouldn't leave the house without a harness :), you would never forgive yourself if he broke free :wideyed:, here is what we use to let our sphynx explore outside. I don't have much experience going any further then our yard.


Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
@NevynNoir : good question! I got my boys the day after christmas and I want to be able to let them outside in the garden when summer comes. So I'm trying to let them get use to a harness now.
As so far both boys hate the harness. If they wear it they look at me like I'm trying to make a fool out of them. They take one step and then fall down like it's way to heavy (the harness weights nothing...). I hope they'll get use to it eventally.

Good luck, hope your sphynx is more relaxed about it!

Cleopatra Beers

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Dec 24, 2011
As @Hairless Blessing said, we take both Cleo and Marcus out shopping and visiting every weekend. First of all, please do not take your kitten outside without a well-fitting harness and leash or a closed carrier. The slings are not secure, and a loose kitten can run very fast and get hurt or killed before you can get it back. We do use a stroller, mainly because Cleopatra outgrew her carrier and the stroller gives her more room. I do not close her into the stroller, but she and Marcus both wear a harness and leash too. If you have trouble getting him used to the harness, try giving really tasty treats when you put the harness on, and play with a favorite toy while he's wearing it.

By the way, most cats do not walk like dogs. One member, @Nofuratu , has cats that walk and even jog on the leash, but Cleo's idea of walking is to ride in her stroller, get out, walk a few steps, stop, sniff a bit and get back into the stroller. We posted a video about it here: http://sphynxlair.com/community/threads/ccleopatras-new-idea-of-fun.22796/

I say that you should definitely take your baby out-just please do it safely!

Condo commando

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Apr 7, 2014
@NevynNoir : good question! I got my boys the day after christmas and I want to be able to let them outside in the garden when summer comes. So I'm trying to let them get use to a harness now.
As so far both boys hate the harness. If they wear it they look at me like I'm trying to make a fool out of them. They take one step and then fall down like it's way to heavy (the harness weights nothing...). I hope they'll get use to it eventally.

Good luck, hope your sphynx is more relaxed about it!
I had the same experience with a harness. I live in a high rise building and my front door opens to an interior hallway so I decided to just let them out in the hallway without anything. There are doors at either end that are always closed. Anyway both cats mostly follow me whichever way I walk, or if a neighbor comes out they walk up to that person to check them out. We're out there for 5 minutes max, but they get to run at full speed because it's a long hallway.

To get them back inside, I have made it a habit to always feed them a small meal afterwards. It mostly works....sometimes I have had to sit outside by the front door until a cat decided she was ready to come back in LOL.

Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
@Condo commando : good to hear my cats are not the only ones who are thinking a harness is way to heavy. And your cats are lucky they can run in the hallway. Hopefully it's a warm, nice looking hallway so you can entertain yourself when you're sitting their waiting till the cats are ready to come home and enjoy the meal you prepared;)

Condo commando

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Apr 7, 2014
@Toa and Ross , this is Florida so we have air conditioning in the hallway :)

Here is a picture. It's this long in the other direction too so there's lots of space. One of them likes to run like she was shot out of a cannon and you can see as soon as I opened the door she took off. The other one is a lot more cautious about looking around first to make sure the coast is clear. It's always funny to me how they can be so different.

This is our little routine every night when I take out the trash. All I have to do is throw the trash down a trash chute which is at one end of the hall. The girls get to come with me and run around for 5 minutes. We do this around 11pm when my neighbors are in bed because animals aren't supposed to be loose. Luckily the people that have seen us have not complained (knocking on wood).


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Apr 1, 2011
I take my babies out all of the time during the summer. I let my boy roam without a leash (if you don't have something nice to say, don't say 'nuthin' at all - quote from Bambi, the Movie"). He has never run off, except two times, once to bring me a bird and once to bring a chimpmunk. And by run off, I mean into the grass from the sidewalk (he brought me both 'presents still alive'). He was trained on a lead from a very little kitten. He knows not to go anywhere. He will be 9 years old this year.

My second baby will be 11yrs old and came to me when she was 3 years old. She is on a constant lead and run. She likes to wander off and has been found at the neighbor's house once. So she is not allowed to roam free. She is a therapy cat and is used to a leash and harness. She goes everywhere with me in public, stores, libraries, etc. She can stay out with me for hours. I keep a litter box in the car for her and she will use that.

As far as my boy, he is quite funny - he used to be outside and then would run back inside and use the litter box, and then one day, I found him peeing in my side garden. And then, he would make a game out of it and wanted to go outside, just to pee. I had to curb that behavior, because during the summer, he wants outside SOOOOOO badly because he likes the warm pavement.

if you let them outside OUTSIDE, be forewarned, they get much dirtier. If you are taking them on errands, they don't get as bad. Also, there are places that are not pet friendly, so be ready for a warning in some places. With Fluffy I just give them a dirty look and show them her therapy badge and they cant say a word back and usually they apologize to me. I generally do not take her into food establishments because it is not like she is a seeing-eye cat or something.


Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
@Condo commando : wow that's a pretty long hallway!! (y)I can imagine your cats love running through it. They need a good condition for running that hallway one side to the other a few times.

Seeing your hallway I really feel sorry for Toa and Ross. They need to wear the harness to run in my garden...a garden that's not even half as long as your hallway(n).

And they feel sorry for themselves too as I can see them packing up their stuff to leave to Florida:)

Oh the same difference in karakter here: Ross runs like shoot out of a cannon (the stairs in my house up and down) and Toa being the more cautious one!:rolleyes:

@NevynNoir : so if the tips of all the others here don't work for your sphynx you can always try the hallway of @Condo commando!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Nov 18, 2013
I take frida out on the lead with a halter as well.
i also have a backpack style carrier that I bring along just in case and for when we need to go somewhere. I have taken frida with me all over since she was a kitten so she is very comfortable traveling and in new environments
here she is riding the bus. Her halter clips into the bag so I can leave the window open. This is also less restrictive of movement so she can lye down or sit up and keep an eye on things. Repetition is key when it comes to a happy traveler so just keep it up.

I don't usually stay out long enough for frida to need a bathroom. Normally we are out no more than an hour. She has only ever peed outside once and was quite upset about it.
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Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@NevynNoir ,
Loved all the pics shared!
Mine have roamed on the enclosed pool lanai and some have made great "catios"

**i would make sure vaccinations are up to date -
- Be aware not all harnesses are escape proof- if they get frightened and pull quick buckles I have seen snap right off
Even had them get out of "come with me kitty" adjustable harnesses without buckles
I use a a crate for vet transports that I can spray wipe disinfect after (used to do animal control so saw and took alotof kitty reports :(

- A lot depends on the cat- my bengals were great on harness and flexi lead in our tall fenced back yard
lead shoving each other at the rear sliding door to see who got in the harness first
- Personally I do not take out for walks because of the unknown stray other pets, cats dogs etc
And too many irresponsible peeps- just the other day a guy on a tricycle let his dog jump off the back to let it come in our yard for a potty break! Then there are the stray dogs - unvaccinated other cats that wander day n night
- which can also change your kitties personality for territory marking /stress

**I would ask for suggestions on brands of harnesses used successfully and always always be aware of surroundings and (I encourage not free roaming in a vehicle- pet peeve is the steering wheel kitty or lap dog- cute till all goes wrong in a second)
My aunt and her dog died in a one vehicle accident rolling over car- she had Benji on her lap for years till that one second

When kitty is out with you- have eyes in back of your head- don't want to rain on the beautiful stroll in the park but just be
Super super careful - just the other side experience here

I did it with my bengals but cannot do it here where I live now with good conscious.
Even being in Florida with acreage and a big enclosed pool Lanai and property with an 8 foot fence.
I changed my mind after I took a report of a loose dog going through a screened lanai
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Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
@Condo commando : Toa and Ross left my place this morning with their back packs and wearing banana hammocks. On their way to Florida!

@Cleopatra Beers : hawaiin shirt...check. Bermuda shorts...check. Sandals with dress socks...oh my! They did forget about that. I'll run and try to catch up. Cause you can't go to Florida without your sandals!



Feb 25, 2015
Thanks for all the great replies guys! I had written a response back, but I see now that I guess with all the new kitty excitement at my place, I forgot to hit send. ( Wonton is obsessed with my Macbook pro, and seems to get a lot of satisfaction from walking onto the keyboard whenever Im not looking. I think he enjoys the feeling of the keys moving under his paws. Needless to say, many programs have been abruptly closed because of this)

I guess I wasnt super clear in the first post, it has always been my intention, even when I was considering the cat bag to still have him harnessed underneath. Having him get away would break my heart.

I've been on a few little adventures. I took him with me to the store recently and made him a nice nest inside a very large structured bag. He didnt seem to love it...might have been too soon. And Ive also taken him out with me a few times when I take out my garbage. He loves laying down on my chest and then (very carefully) me zipping up my hoodie so hes like a little baby Kangaroo in his moms pouch. Luckily he seems to forget hes wearing the harness after a few minutes.

Condo commando

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Apr 7, 2014
My cats love to get on my keyboard. Its a laptop. I've always suspected it was because it gets a little warm. Then I end up in airplane mode or something like that. But they're our cats and we love 'em right?