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Random Questions about owning a Sphynx


May 19, 2010
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else's Sphynx kitty is completely rowdy/spazzy as mine? I am new at owning this breed and don't know how they really act. I just got Belza about 3 weeks ago and her personality is starting to really show. When she plays she is super rowdy and takes out the bathroom rugs along with sliding into the bathtub constantly and is always running into the TV stand in the living room while playing with her toys. She is a major clutz and I worry about her hurting herself. I know that cats are tough, but being her mommy I worry a lot :Sweat: Does anyone else have experience with this? I try to throw her toys away from the "hazards" but some how she always finds her way back to them..

Also I have another question.. After I feed her a mixture of wet/raw food she meow/howls after she is finished. It is kind of funny and random but I don't know if I should be worried? I feed her in our bedroom (because of roommates) and she will walk out and sit in the door entrance and howl, but it's only for a few seconds.. I usually ask her what is wrong or if her food was yummy and she will lick her lips and softly meow at me.. I am thinking she is thanking me for feeding her? Either that or her inner carnivor is coming out.. :Smile:

Lisa Dobby

May 8, 2010
My kitty is only just 5 and a half months. He is absolutely crazy! He runs full tilt from one end of my house to the other chasing my chihuahuas. Or just randomly running for the sake of running. He jumps on the table and clears the papers off my desk. He is just as crazy as can be. But then he will stop right in the middle of his action packed games and jump on my lap for cuddles and face rubbing. I think that is just part of his nature. My guy also howls when he gets his food. As soon as he knows you are getting the cat food out he carries on like he hasn't been feed in weeks. OMG it is so funny. So sounds like ya got a normal sphynx to me! LOL

Lisa :)


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Feb 26, 2009
Yeppers, Butterball is pretty crazy.

ckutkuhn7 and I call it the hop. Buttersquash hops around like a jackrabbit using the couch as a spring board and darting off at the speed of light. He bumps his poor little head into everything. He messes up the bathmats. He gets toilet paper all over. Little Hellion I call him. But, he's calmed down with age. Here are a couple of videos of Butterball in spaz mode.

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Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Hi JesLynn,
Yes the crazy behavior is normal for sphynx kittens, It will slow down eventually! As far as the howling after eating is a little concerning. I would have a vet check up sooner then later.

Mug-ys mumma

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jan 27, 2010
Slow down eventually??? Mug-Y's 8 and still spazzes out like a kitten!! I love it though and wouldn't have it any other way...I really have to try hard to not laugh at him when he falls off stuff!:LOL:



Gold Lairian
Notable Member
May 13, 2010
Hi JesLynn,
Yes the crazy behavior is normal for sphynx kittens, It will slow down eventually! As far as the howling after eating is a little concerning. I would have a vet check up sooner then later.

I agree with the admin regarding the howling after eating. I had a boy with digestive issues and he often got belly aches (sometimes vomitting) after meals. Always a good thing to get it checked out.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 7, 2009
Yeppers, Butterball is pretty crazy.

ckutkuhn7 and I call it the hop. Buttersquash hops around like a jackrabbit using the couch as a spring board and darting off at the speed of light. He bumps his poor little head into everything. He messes up the bathmats. He gets toilet paper all over. Little Hellion I call him. But, he's calmed down with age. Here are a couple of videos of Butterball in spaz mode.

YouTube - A Sphynx Called ButterBall Ep 58 Toilet Paper Thief Part 1

YouTube - A Sphynx Called ButterBall Ep 60 Happy Halloween

Okay, now everytime I watch a Butterball video I hear Bobcat commenting!!! :LOL:


Mar 6, 2010
Hibou goes into Spaz mode all the time too. I call is her "Parcours" with is style of urban free-running...

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This is pretty much what Hibou does, except it off the couch, counters, coffee table, walls, speakers (shhh don't tell Greg about this one) and of course us humans too!

As to the howling after eating, that is not something I experienced, she meows like crazy before her food, but usually by the time she is done eating, all I get out of her is a big burp and she slinks away to lie down for a nap!
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Jan 16, 2010
Snuffie spazzs out every morning at 7am and every night at 1030pm. She is like clock work. She messes up rugs, knocks things off the counter if its in her way or if she is bored. She rugs from one end of the house to the other. Runs up on her chair to get to her window and sometimes falls off and hangs off the window sill ledge. She couldn't get her claw unhooked one day and I had to save her. lol Snuffie howls alot when I'm preparing her food but other than that she really only does it when its storming out.

ps. El gato - Finally found my favorite video of Butterball,,,episode 60 - that could go up for SphynxLair Oscar!!! lol
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V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Apr 26, 2010
Hi and welcome to the wonderful life of owning a spyhnx. or as some people on the site say "being owned by a sphynx" (which i agree with!)

My male kitty is very rowdy!! i have an 8 ft cat tree and he'll jump from floor to top and claw the heck out of it!! he goes nuts! and often will take my throw rugs 'out' as he's runing through the house. As for your baby running into things- i've noticed that my female has very poor motor-skills. i'm not sure why, or it's it part of the breed... but when he tries to jump on stuff she misses a lot, or falls when she's climbing on stuff, and is often VERY hestitant on jumping at all (even VERY short distances)...

As for the howling, both my kitties are very talkative. my female was pretty quiet when we first got her, but once she heard Bronxe all the time, she started up. Maybe your baby is being a fatty and wants more food :) or maybe the food hurts his tummy. My male kitty has Inflamitory Bowel Disease, he'll often bloat after eating, which i know is uncomfy. so maybe it's something like that. If you're worried about it, take him in to get checked. but i'd monitor for a week or so...

good luck w/ your kitty!


May 19, 2010
Hi and welcome to the wonderful life of owning a spyhnx. or as some people on the site say "being owned by a sphynx" (which i agree with!)

My male kitty is very rowdy!! i have an 8 ft cat tree and he'll jump from floor to top and claw the heck out of it!! he goes nuts! and often will take my throw rugs 'out' as he's runing through the house. As for your baby running into things- i've noticed that my female has very poor motor-skills. i'm not sure why, or it's it part of the breed... but when he tries to jump on stuff she misses a lot, or falls when she's climbing on stuff, and is often VERY hestitant on jumping at all (even VERY short distances)...

As for the howling, both my kitties are very talkative. my female was pretty quiet when we first got her, but once she heard Bronxe all the time, she started up. Maybe your baby is being a fatty and wants more food :) or maybe the food hurts his tummy. My male kitty has Inflamitory Bowel Disease, he'll often bloat after eating, which i know is uncomfy. so maybe it's something like that. If you're worried about it, take him in to get checked. but i'd monitor for a week or so...

good luck w/ your kitty!

Haha good to know my Belza Bear is just being a normal rowdy Sphynx kitty :LOL:
As far as the howling I am getting more concerned.. How did you know that your kitty had Inflamitory Bowel Disease? I'm new to owning this breed and am already so in love with her I just want to make sure she is healthy.
I am starting to think that it's her raw food I am trying to switch her over to? I think it might be hurting her stomach? Or that she is not use to it? I make sure to add her old wet food in with the Raw as to not upset her tummy. Does anyone have experience with feeding Raw food?


Jan 16, 2010
Haha good to know my Belza Bear is just being a normal rowdy Sphynx kitty :LOL:
As far as the howling I am getting more concerned.. How did you know that your kitty had Inflamitory Bowel Disease? I'm new to owning this breed and am already so in love with her I just want to make sure she is healthy.
I am starting to think that it's her raw food I am trying to switch her over to? I think it might be hurting her stomach? Or that she is not use to it? I make sure to add her old wet food in with the Raw as to not upset her tummy. Does anyone have experience with feeding Raw food?

I do not have any first hand experience with transitioning to raw but as long as your mixing in her canned wet with the raw and slowly making it smaller portions of canned every few days then your doing it right.

I'm pretty sure we have some members on here that feed raw, hopefully they will respond as well. Goodluck and I hope its not tummy issues. If it is, then you'll notice very loose or very hard stools. Her stools should be somewhere in the middle, firm yet soft and will smush.