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Hello Everyone,
I feel both frustrated, and sad. My little munchkin isn't feeling well...again
I'll give you guys a little background, and if anyone has input or an opinion to share, I would love to hear it, and greatly appreciate it
I am a first time sphynx owner. I got Roo March of this year, he was 3 months old. When he was about 1 1/2 - 2 mos old and still with the breeder he had an eye infection in his left eye. She treated it with terramycin ointment.
He was sneazing a little here and there when he arrived to me via airline from New Jersey. What a beautiful, amazing, precious sight he was!!!! The next day we saw the vet(not the same vet I see now) he said Roo had a little bit of a cold, also by then his eyes were very red and irritated. He didn't feel it necessary to treat him. I disagreed, but I'm not a vet.
A couple days later his cold was full blown. We went back, they gave him meds, baytril? and eye ointment; bacitracin maybe? The cold got better, but his eyes were still red, runny, and crusty. My breeder sent me some terramycin ointment which worked really well. He continues to have ongoing "flare-ups" with his left eye, I use the terramycin and it clears. I hope that's ok?
During that first appnt. the vet also found a heart murmur. Being so young, he thought it would close. When I took Roo to another vet (now Roo's current vet) for a 2nd opinion she also thought it would. Unfortunatly, not the case for Roo, it's still there
Subjectivly she thinks it is about a grade 3 murmur. Only an ultrsound can truly clarify exactly what is going on in there. I'm saving money to have this done.
In September of this year my parents got Doolie from the same breeder, as some of you may know, he's Roo's half brother. I share a home with my parents so being the loving little sphynxy creatures they are, they quickly became best buds!
On Doolie's journey (via airline) his flight missed it's connection leaving poor little Doolie stranded an extra 6 hrs! Two days from arrival our vet diagnosed him with an upper respritory infection and bacterial infection or something like that in his ears. Our vet put him on clavamox and some kind of ear drops.
That evening Roo started vomiting. It was yellowish bile looking with little red speckles of what looked like blood, the red speckles subsided with each time he got sick until it was just yellow. His eyes were flared-up, but this time with yellow green runnies goopies and He didn't want to eat or drink.
We took him to the vet. She put him on a bland diet. He started to get better from those symptoms, but started to get sick with Doolies cold symptoms as Doolie was now doing great! Then Doolie started getting sick. So our vet put them both on clavamox and eye ointment at the same time.
Two weeks ago they finished meds and were both doing great! Last wk. Roo's eye started,but with the usual brownish discharge, now he's sneezing, yellow green eye discharge, and He's been really tired. Today he started vomiting. My dad has been home with him today because I had to work. I put a call in to my vet.
I just got a voicemail from my vet. I want to listen to it again before I post so that I'm accurate. I'm going to end here for now so I can leave work and get hm see my boy. I will fill you guys in tonight. I'm sorry this was so long.
I feel both frustrated, and sad. My little munchkin isn't feeling well...again
I'll give you guys a little background, and if anyone has input or an opinion to share, I would love to hear it, and greatly appreciate it
I am a first time sphynx owner. I got Roo March of this year, he was 3 months old. When he was about 1 1/2 - 2 mos old and still with the breeder he had an eye infection in his left eye. She treated it with terramycin ointment.
He was sneazing a little here and there when he arrived to me via airline from New Jersey. What a beautiful, amazing, precious sight he was!!!! The next day we saw the vet(not the same vet I see now) he said Roo had a little bit of a cold, also by then his eyes were very red and irritated. He didn't feel it necessary to treat him. I disagreed, but I'm not a vet.
A couple days later his cold was full blown. We went back, they gave him meds, baytril? and eye ointment; bacitracin maybe? The cold got better, but his eyes were still red, runny, and crusty. My breeder sent me some terramycin ointment which worked really well. He continues to have ongoing "flare-ups" with his left eye, I use the terramycin and it clears. I hope that's ok?
During that first appnt. the vet also found a heart murmur. Being so young, he thought it would close. When I took Roo to another vet (now Roo's current vet) for a 2nd opinion she also thought it would. Unfortunatly, not the case for Roo, it's still there
Subjectivly she thinks it is about a grade 3 murmur. Only an ultrsound can truly clarify exactly what is going on in there. I'm saving money to have this done.
In September of this year my parents got Doolie from the same breeder, as some of you may know, he's Roo's half brother. I share a home with my parents so being the loving little sphynxy creatures they are, they quickly became best buds!
On Doolie's journey (via airline) his flight missed it's connection leaving poor little Doolie stranded an extra 6 hrs! Two days from arrival our vet diagnosed him with an upper respritory infection and bacterial infection or something like that in his ears. Our vet put him on clavamox and some kind of ear drops.
That evening Roo started vomiting. It was yellowish bile looking with little red speckles of what looked like blood, the red speckles subsided with each time he got sick until it was just yellow. His eyes were flared-up, but this time with yellow green runnies goopies and He didn't want to eat or drink.
We took him to the vet. She put him on a bland diet. He started to get better from those symptoms, but started to get sick with Doolies cold symptoms as Doolie was now doing great! Then Doolie started getting sick. So our vet put them both on clavamox and eye ointment at the same time.
Two weeks ago they finished meds and were both doing great! Last wk. Roo's eye started,but with the usual brownish discharge, now he's sneezing, yellow green eye discharge, and He's been really tired. Today he started vomiting. My dad has been home with him today because I had to work. I put a call in to my vet.
I just got a voicemail from my vet. I want to listen to it again before I post so that I'm accurate. I'm going to end here for now so I can leave work and get hm see my boy. I will fill you guys in tonight. I'm sorry this was so long.
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