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Sick Kitty


Mar 2, 2010
My precious Douche is sick :( Two days ago we came home to 4 small piles of bile vomit. I found diahrea when I cleaned the litters and then we saw Douche vomitting. He has vomitted 12 or so times in two days, and still has the runny poop. He is lethargic and is crying when the other cats step on his stomach, when usually they make happy cat piles. We brought him to the vet yesterday, we had xrays taken of his entire body, and then a full blood work done. His poor hind legs are sooooo bruised form the blood tests. I craddled the little champ when they were drawing his blood (didnt want the vet to put him in the typical death grip) and he purred the entire time and nuzzled my neck. Blood work came back completely normal other then low potasium levels from all the vomitting. He had an inflamed bowel. The vet doesnt know whats wrong with him and he hasnt eaten in two days, he might eat a few treats unenthusiastically, but he will bring them right back up. The vet prescribed cerenia, and he got a shot of it at the vet, along with metronidazole for the runs. If he doesnt perk up in a day or two, we are going to the specialist for an ultrasound. Its so tricky with Douche because of his HCM and severe murmur, he cannot be stressed out too much or sedated in any way. Its so frustrating not knowing whats wrong with my baby. He hasnt had any food change for his whole 6 yrs of life, other then sneaking 3 or so bites of Berlins kitten food. They all get table scraps of fish or chicken but thats been happening for years and has never upset him. Im keeping a close eye on him, good thing I threw out my back since Im home all day. I hope the medication works, so far no vomitting.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 2, 2009
I am so sorry to hear that your kitty is sick. Sending prayers that the meds work and he is feeling better soon.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
I hope he feels better.
The medicine they put him my Coco was but on when she had IBS.
You will need to be very careful when you show now.
You must sanitize everything when you get home so he does not catch anything from Berlin when you show.
One of my cats got sick from a show and it went threw the whole house.


Mar 2, 2010
Thank you everyone for your warm wishes. He seems to be doing better as the day progresses. No vomitting still. He also, at the same time, developed blackheads on his entire body. Ive heard of sphynx developing blocked pores and blackheads on their tails, but he has them everywhere, all very small, like little black dots all over. He has never had anything like this before, nor have any of my cats. Being a groomer, I always make sure everyone's coat/skin/nails/ears are in tip top shape. The vet wanted to deal with the larger problem and told me not to worry about the blackheads though.


Sep 24, 2009
Ahh...tummy troubles are never any fun and you can just look at them and tell they feel like a dish rag. I hope he's feeling better soon!

The metronidozole, I think, helps with inflammation too.


Mar 2, 2010
The metronidozole, I think, helps with inflammation too.

Yes it does, so it should relieve his discomfort somewhat, which I think it has. When we brought him to the vet the vet checked him all over, palpated his stomach checked gums heart lungs etc, and told me he seemed in perfect health, and even after the tests, aside from the enflamed bowel, said she couldnt see anything wrong with him, as he's purring happily in my arms. But I know my cat, and I can feel something is wrong with him. Its so frustrating not getting answers. His expression is different, the way he gets on and off the couch is different. Even without the vomiting I knew right away my baby wasnt feeling well.

I have a bit of a rep for being the girl who cries wolf at my vet. They joke and tease me all the time. Ive speant every day of the work week for the past 13 years surrounded by dogs, but Muffin was my first. And maybe I jump the gun a few times, rushing to the vet for silly things with him :p I see a pimple on his stomach, PANIC, and sure enough, by the time we reach the vet, for the life of my I cant find it anymore! Or he has red and irritated pads at home and at the vet they are perfect pink and fine, grrr! Now each time I go and tell the the problem, they say "Are you sure?"


Sep 24, 2009
Always listen to your gut!

I don't think I cry wolf, but I have thought things were much worse than they were. I will never regret running to the vet for nothing, but would die a thousand deaths if I didn't listen to my gut and missed anything.

This probably has nothing to do with Douche, but my Mau had a condition called Triditis. She stopped eating when my exotic kittens came home...that rolled into the fatty liver thing, which caused inflamation which irritated her pancreas and her gal bladder causing the bile to back up and an infection set in. The stress of the vet hospitalization rolled into an upper respiratory and she was also slightly anemic. A week on Clavamox, Azythromycin (this stuff rocks!), Metronidozole, an appetite stimulant, my syringe feeding (and a natural liver supplement with milk thistle) and a little chicken liver to help with the anemia/appetite and a cold water humidifier and she was right as rain.

btw when the URI set in they thought they heard a murmur with the crackling and we did an echo too...I cried filling out the paperwork for the echo, lol, and I WORK there! So hey, cry wolf or just CRY...I do it all the time! :)


Mar 2, 2010
we were at the vet again. My persian was vomitting yesterday, and diarhea also. Douche got worst, was still not eating, and when he was trying to et a bit of tuna, his tongue was weird, and the way he tried to chew looked very bizarre. It looked like he had peanut butter on his tongue, he was sticking it out non stop. And then he kept shifting his jaw, and the skin on his chin. I checked his jaw, no sensitivity and regular movement, without excessive side movement. His tongue looked fine, and so did the nderside. At the vet, he still has no fever, mercedes does. The vet checked his jaw and face and still has no idea whats wrong. They did a ****ing mistake on his blood test. The didnt count his white blood cells properly, and although they told me originally it was all fine, his white blood cells are very low. They decided to give him iv fluids, since he is dehydrated, and told me to keep a close eye on him, also gave me some gastro wet food. Prescribed same antibiotics for Mercedes. Now, Douche is looking slightly better, still has diarhea, his little tail was covered in it this morning. He at about a spoonful of the vet food. Still looks weird when he eats. Mercedes is the real problem. She is so antisocial, so this vet visit and prodding and catching her from under the bed etc has traumatized her. I tried to give her the pills yesterday, O M G. Nt fun. Whenever you try to put anything in her mouth she freaks out, she clenches her jaws shut, and since my hand is there, I end up getting bit badly. I remember having thesame problem with her, when she was furry, for hairball remedy. All my cats are cake, just put an inch of hairball remedy on my finger and scrape it off with their teeth. She would never let me do this, she panics when something goes in her mouth. She also does not take any food from people. I cant put the pills in some wet food and present it to her cause walking near her would freak her out and she just wont eat. Im at a loss. I think the vet might have those pill injector things, that might work, or be worst. Atleast it wouldnt be my hand being bitten. My boyfriend took the day off, so if Douchie's condition gets worst, we will be at the vet within minutes.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 20, 2009
My Hollywood is horrid to dose! I wrap him in a towel and hold him on the counter snug against me so he can't back up. I hold the towel wrapped around his neck so the front claws can't get out. Using one hand I place my fingers 1 on each side of the back of the jaw which will force the mouth open then very quickly put the pill in the channel in the center of the tongue at the back of the throat. You have to get it in there very quickly. Don't know if this will help but good luck with it.


Mar 2, 2010
Thanks for the advise, but Ive pilled many cats before :) my other cats are fantastic, and know mommy knows best and take it in stride, no backing up, no swatting, no resistance. Dog is even better, he is so big you have to shove your entire arm down his throat near enough. The persian though, goes into panic mode when you open her mouth and will immediately spit out anything put there. Closing her jaws and massaging her throat doesnt help, she will not swallow, gets blood shot eyes from the panic and the pill did not get swallowed, just foamed up at the back of her throat till she spit it up. Typically, I clean my hands thoroughly and push the pill down with my index finger, then massage the throat, works like a charm. But mercedes will try to lock her jaws shut and shake her head back and forth. Im not worried of her scratching, she never tries, and I feel she wouldnt hurt me purposely, but in her panic she bites down extremely hard. Her head shakes back and forth so vigorously I can barely get a hold of her little persian jaw. I opted to stop, as she became too stressed, and the vet said she needed sedation, which when administered at home is a pill, funny. Thankfully, the injections have made an impact, and she is in a much better state today. Her temp is back to normal, oddly she doesnt mind a thermometre stuck up her deriere. Silly cats.