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Jun 27, 2018
Hello everyone,

Since I had my Sphynx last october, I've had issues with his skin the the neck/belly area.

He got very intolerant (liquidy diarrhea) to a lot of cat diets. I got him under the care of a vet and now the only thing that seem to work is a recipe made of Hillary's Blend nutrients (provided by my vet), horse meat, broccoli and 2 oils. That's all he eaten for several months.

The problem is: (See photos attached)

Each time I bathe him (now every two weeks) his skin on his belly and neck area gets red, dry and he looks even dirtier the next day.

I've tried:

Hylyt shampoo (the "least" worst so far)

Nudie Naturals shampoo and conditionner on etsy (all organic and natural ingredients: organic fractionated coconut oil, castille soap, coconut soap, jojoba oil, olive oil, henp oil, vegetable glycerin, honey, vanilla extact and vitamin E oil.)

Douxo Pyo antifungal shampoo with Douxo Seb sebum balancing

I apply nothing else on his skin. The more I wait and do not put anything on him, the better he gets but comes a time that he gets so dirty (brown sebum on hands and sheets) that I feel like I have to clean him in some way...but I am so scared now.

It doesn't look like it's itching or painful.

My vet doesn't seem to know what it is. At first she said it was probably the diet but on the poop area his current diet is working well.

Have you guys ever seen this skin condition?

Any advice would be so helpful.

Thank you

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Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
Welcome to Sphynxlair. We often see skin issues and it is a matter of time u til you figure things out. Sphynx Skin Conditions
You might try malaseb shampoo to start. The orangish skin after bathing is often due to not finding fully. We often see on neck, armpits and belly area which are of course the hardest areas to fully rinse.

I am not a vet but I would start with Malaseb shampoo and not keep changing and not over bathe.

My gut says you are not fully rinsing with with the orange color appearing the next day. When you think you have fully rinsed, rinse again is my rule of thumb. Some actually peel from not fully rinsing.

Please update us.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Sketch Welcoming you mad your baby to the lair family
What is his name? Is he your adorable avatar pic ?

Good advice given on the Malaseb shampoo
A member posted great results

Also , I am curious if your boy sunbathes a lot?
My boy had pigmentation on his skin some of the same areas - side leg area
Was vet checked told it was pigmentation thst cleared up on its own with limited sun time moving cat tree to indirect light -
And Hylyt shampoo with full bath spa day only once a month
With ears and nails and spot cleansing twice a week
I switched him to dr elseys unscented litter in the blue and white bag
Feeding Nutrisource cat and kitten food in the blue bag
See Nutrisource is avail in Canada here and I am sire probably other sites you may use
NutriSource Cat Food
Have no poo or skin issues
Just wanted to share

Never came back again - long shot but wanted to share when I saw the side view pic of your boy

Here is a pick of Batmans side on gotcha day
Does your boys look like this at all?


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Jun 27, 2018
@Sketch Welcoming you mad your baby to the lair family
What is his name? Is he your adorable avatar pic ?

Good advice given on the Malaseb shampoo
A member posted great results

Also , I am curious if your boy sunbathes a lot?
My boy had pigmentation on his skin some of the same areas - side leg area
Was vet checked told it was pigmentation thst cleared up on its own with limits sun time
And Hylyt shampoo full bath spa day only once a month
With ears and nails and spot cleansing too early a week

Thank you for your quick response.

I live in Canada and wasn't able to find the Malaseb shampoo on Amazon.ca.

I may sound silly but what would be the best way to rinse my cat with new fresh water?

I used to clean him in a bathtub and rinse with the water of the bathtub, like we would do with a kid

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Sketch I use a stokkes flexibath on the bathroom counter with a hand towel under it and inside it -
I take out the drain plug to it and position it over the sink
I use a rimse cups set up amd a pitcher of water woth baby face clothes
Mine hate water so I wear ***exfoliating gloves to speed up spa day and hold slippery kitty

I rinse their bellies while they stands on the edge of the stokkes flexibath Amd plain water baby face clothes

I just bought an ace rinse sprayer to hook up to my bathroom sink last week
It came with an adaptor thst easily attached to the faucet
Amd the sprayer quick connects to it.
The sprayer has a pause on the handle

Will let you know how it works this week !
Thought it may be easier than the rinse "red " plastic cups

What's your boys name ? Is it Sketch ?

(I miss my Aussie dog Named sketch dearly - my ex fiancé kept him :()

Other members will certainly chime in
So glad you joined us!


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Jun 27, 2018
@Sketch Welcoming you mad your baby to the lair family
What is his name? Is he your adorable avatar pic ?

Good advice given on the Malaseb shampoo
A member posted great results

Also , I am curious if your boy sunbathes a lot?
My boy had pigmentation on his skin some of the same areas - side leg area
Was vet checked told it was pigmentation thst cleared up on its own with limited sun time moving cat tree to indirect light -
And Hylyt shampoo with full bath spa day only once a month
With ears and nails and spot cleansing twice a week
I switched him to dr elseys unscented litter in the blue and white bag
Feeding Nutrisource cat and kitten food in the blue bag
See Nutrisource is avail in Canada here and I am sire probably other sites you may use
Have no poo or skin issues
Just wanted to share

Never came back again - long shot but wanted to share when I saw the side view pic of your boy

Here is a pick of Batmans side on gotcha day
Does your boys look like this at all?

Thank you for your help!

My sphynx's name is Sketch and yes it's him on my avatar pic!

No, he doesn't sunbathe a lot. He is often hidden under a blanket, or in his cat cave. The skin condition always comes back the next day of his bath and takes a week to get "less dry".

I'll give a look to the litter and cat food for sure. Thank you!

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
Sounds like perhaps trying to rinse and dry a wee more may help

I give up using big clunky bath towels l
My absolutely favorite to dry with are
Dog microfiber drying towels they are perfect size Too
I get them at Marshalls store amd they are om'ine too various prices
@Xandria may be able to share where she got hers

Love the name Sketch :)
He looks like a fun kitty!

Keep us updated often!


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Aug 21, 2016

My boys are regularly as dirty as your Sketch, seeing your photos, but not dry really. I’ve really slowed down on the baths because frankly it does little to help. They leave sebum smears on contact : on blankets, my clothes, my hands, within a day of bathing. It doesn’t really increase when I don’t bathe. I’ve tried half a dozen shampoos and none are noticeably better than the others. In fact for my boys the Hylyt is one of the not so good.

I wash eyes, faces, ears, heads every couple days with a very warm washcloth, and bums as needed which is also often with coconut oil and baby wipes.

I also use the bathtub for bathing. Before filling the bathtub, I set a very large plastic tote in it and fill that with fresh water, it takes up about half the space, with a plastic cup ready. I use the rest of the bathtub for the bath. Once the bath is done, I open the drain and using the cup rinse down the bubbles and pour the fresh water over kitty, over and over. It’s litres! There is no way I am not rinsing enough and still my boys get rusty within the day.

I’ve been meaning to try Malaseb also. I’m in Canada as well but have not yet looked for it. Many suppliers ship to Canada from amazon.com (in case you see it there). Just have to be prepared for the exchange and duties and whatnot. Your vet may be able to get it.

My boy Freeway got quite pigmented from sunning so we got a uv tint put on the windows. His dark areas lightened but it took a couple seasons! When he was pigmented it looked almost exactly like the photo @Yoda mom posted.
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Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 10, 2014
@Sketch Hello there. Sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having.

I have dual sinks in my kitchen, so bathe in one sink and And pour rinse water from the other sink overtop using a cup or bath cloths.I have more information here: Max & Min’s Spaw Treatment Routine

But rinsing is very very important. Bathing too frequently will also encourage buildup of oils. I will do some spot cleans with a cloth soaked with warm water. I only bathe Max fully once a month or so, but every week I will fill a sink with very warm water, add a tiny bit of HyLyt and lots of washcloths – I squeeze out excess water, and wipe him down with about 15 cloths.

Min is allergic to pretty much everything, so I have to bathe her every week with a special shampoo.

I find using exfoliating gloves to work really well for bathing and even rinsing.

Those bone dry towels are fabulous. I got mine on Amazon:

Keep us updated. All fingers crossed.
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