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Snuffie has been sick :(


Jan 16, 2010
I know I know,,I shouldn't have put them together so soon..Lesson already learned.

Snuffie is "ok". I think what is going on is she was getting mad at SoBe so she would go and eat her food. Iams Kitten food.
She was fine yesterday morning, somewhere in the early afternoon I stepped in puke on my way out the front door,,wasn't sure who it was so I kept my eye out to determine...Then found Snuffie puking again,,thank god she was sweet enough to puke in the kitchen...then she had runny poo twice yesterday and once sometime last night. She slept almost all day yesterday, when she was up all I could get her to do was drink water. She even turned down her nightly canned food.
Today she ate dry food (I mixed all cat food half Iams, half BB because I couldnt keep SoBe out of Snuffies food either). She didnt eat her normal amount but maybe 3/4 of a cup of food. I haven't noticed any other food eaten today either. No more poo today yet to inspect. Just took her temp, its 101.1 so normal there. She is sleeping alot. She brought me her toy this morning to play but wouldnt chase it.
I've been sick with the flu as well so maybe she is just being sick with me. I slept in my recliner last night in hopes of breathing better and she was right there with me all night!
I'm not sure but I tried giving her some yogurt since Pumpkin is no where to be found. She turned her nose up at it. SoBe likes it tho! lol
I'll keep you guys posted. Right now we are thinking its a belly ache (it happens, right?) and she either drank some dish water or overate SoBe's food.
I'm trying to not worry too much as long as I can keep her drinking water.

p.s. She isnt anemic nor dehydrated.

p.s.s. SoBe is doing great and loves to run around the house 90 mph! lol


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Feb 8, 2009
Christina, more than likely Snuffie just overate SoBe's food. My Siamese cat Reno always overeats whenever I bring new cat food in the house; he scarfs it down and then throws it all up. It doesn't seem like Snuffie has any other troubling symptoms, so I'm guessing that's it. However, if she continues to throw up, you may want to bring her in to see your vet.


Jan 16, 2010
Christina, more than likely Snuffie just overate SoBe's food. My Siamese cat Reno always overeats whenever I bring new cat food in the house; he scarfs it down and then throws it all up. It doesn't seem like Snuffie has any other troubling symptoms, so I'm guessing that's it. However, if she continues to throw up, you may want to bring her in to see your vet.

Thanks for the reassurance. I'm always so confident things will be find with everyone elses kitty and my Snuffie got sick and I freaked out!!!! lol I kept reminding myself,,,what would I do if it was someone else cat! lol She has never (knocks on wood)been sick so she really gave us a scare.
She is coming around slowly,,just makes me feel better when I see her gobble food down! lol
If things are still bad on Monday I'm taking her to the vet. Honestly she seems fine now, no runny poo and no puking but the day isnt over. She declined kitty treats after I took her temp!!:Surprise: She wasn't happy with me! lol
Apr 3, 2010
I hope you both feel better soon! I think it is just that she got into the kitten food. I know now that I feed raw, my two will barf and get runny poops from any thing else. when we went out of town I had to supplement with kibble and found piles of puke in strategic places around the house.


Jan 16, 2010
There is still a canned pumpkin shortage. I can't find it anywhere. Is it okay to use squash as a subsitute, will kitties eat it even? Does anyone know??
Snuffie's runny poo's continue, tonight's was rather large and she required a wipe down afterwards. Thank god she is going in the box atleast!


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
The kitten food is probably way too rich for her--thus the puking and the diarreah. If you can't keep Snuffie out of the kitten food, and SoBe out of the adult food, you might want to try an all stages food rather than trying to mix them. They sell lots of all life stages kibble--Taste of the Wild, Blue Mountain...must be lots others.


Jan 16, 2010
Thanks Susie. I managed to get about a teaspoon of canned food in her along with a about a teaspoon of yogurt. I really hope Snuffie starts feeling better.

Jimmy is going crazy taking care of us. lol I'm sick with the flu or some crap,,SoBe has a slight URI which she is being treated for, its lingering. She was all better but the stress of coming home made it flair and I have her back on meds and now Snuffie. Jimmy is the only well one here!! Poor guy.
He is dooting over the cats being sick more than me tho...whats up with that!!!!!! lol


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
I hope Snuffie is feeling better, it can be the food, just be sure she is staying hydrated!


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
There is still a canned pumpkin shortage. I can't find it anywhere. Is it okay to use squash as a subsitute, will kitties eat it even? Does anyone know??
Snuffie's runny poo's continue, tonight's was rather large and she required a wipe down afterwards. Thank god she is going in the box atleast!

The wife and I were talking on our way home on the train from a NYC day trip yesterday discussing the pumpkin shortage and asked ourselves, "What about frozen pumpkin?" Do they have it and has anyone went that route!


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Sorry to hear she is not feeling well:ThumbsDown: Don't beat yourself up for allowing them to be together they got along so well. It sounds like it is the food, so I would try to feed them separate.


Jan 16, 2010
*** UPDATE***

I found pumpkin today thru a family member. She happen to have some at home and gave me a can. I came home right away and gave a teaspoon to Snuffie. She ate very little of it, maybe a third of it. Five minutes later it was to the litter box, explosive runny poo everywhere, bless her heart. Cleaned her box right away, cleaned her, cleaned me, cleaned the floor, you know the drill. SoBe stuck her head in it!!!! So jimmy took her and got her cleaned up,,that was a site!!! lol

While I was cleaning I notice Snuffie was trembeling and rigid to the touch. I went to her immediatley, she was having a seizure. She was holding her paw up like it was hurt, then I stroked her back and she began to walk, crooked and leaning to one side, legs very unsteady and sort of out to the sides like when I put her in 4 legged jammies. I FREAKED! I called my 24hr ER vet, told him the whole story, she had a hypoglycemic seizure. I was FREAKING OUT! My baby has NEVER been sick!!!!
So vet instructed me to cease the pumpkin, said it was a very bad idea, he stated its used as a fiber supplement and it can cause more harm than good and pulls even more fluids from her system to process it. I'm really putting my faith in him.
He advised me to start her on pedialite and give her 10 cc's every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Her torture is done for the night. She is in hiding but she came to me when I was doing dishes like always and said Hi. So I'm hopeful.
I know many of you swear by Pumpkin but the poo she had once I gave that to her was worse than any of them that she had had before. I put away all food for the night (left water out of course), she will be getting chicken baby food in the morning if she'll take it.
If she worsens before his office opens on Tuesday he is coming to my house to take a look at her for me. This is the most awesome vet I've ever spoken to, he wasn't upset that he was bothered on his day off at all, was more than willing to help, came with excellent recommendations from a family member that used to work for him and he knew exactly how to calm me down and get me focused. A vet that has a human factor along with a pet factor is difficult to find around here!
So thats it for right now. Hopefully Snuffie won't hate me for to much longer and will come join me to read the Lair as always. SoBe is doing well. Her cold has kicked back in but I have meds and she is doing great really. She doesnt really let on that she is sick.
Snuffie still looks at her wondering where she gets all her energy! lol
Speak of the devel,,Snuffie just walked up to me!!! yay! Keep her in your thoughts please, she isn't out of the woods just yet. Thanks all for listening!
Apr 3, 2010
Hugs for you and Snuffie!!! Your vet sounds awesome! It seems to make sense (to me anyway) about the pumpkin. If it is used to bind (which would take care of the runny poo) then it is drawing out the fluid and if she is getting dehydrated you don't want to make that worse.

Poor sick Snuffie and poor you! I am just glad you have Jimmy there to help and to take care of you and the kitties. Please keep us posted as we will be worrying!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 2, 2009
Oh wow, Christina that is so scary! I'm glad Snuffie is okay. Could the pumpkin have been bad? Does canned stuff go bad? Whatever happened, I am glad she is improving. It sounds like you have an amazing vet. ((HUGS)) to you all (even Jimmy, lol)


Jan 16, 2010
Thanks,, poor Jimmy is nearly mortified. lol His Kitty SoBe is a kitty who wants to be in your face all the time. She runs right up his chest and as soon as she gets to his face she sneezes all over him! He yells gross about the same time Snuffie has projectile poo, lmao. Its been a zoo. My nerves are a mess. Thankgod the worst of my flu is over, I woke up today feeling much better and was able to work the yard sale for 8 hours.
Its amazing how attached to this cat I've become. She has brought me through alot. I'm sure she will be fine but I'm not getting my hopes up or getting too confident until I see my "old" Snuffie back. Bless her heart, she is sleeping in my lap now.