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So Many Questions !! Please help My baby !!


Sep 8, 2009
Hello Everyone - I am the proud owner of Baby. The newest edition to my family. I have some questions that i need anwsered if you guys can help. I hope to be an active member of this forum and make a few friends along the way so thanks ahead of time for any help :Smile:


My Questions....

Her eyes have a brownish discharge when she wakes up. I read that its just eye boogers? So I just wipe it away and it appears to go away.

She meows A LOT ! is his normal?

I put out dry and regular premium cat food for her but she does touch the regular canned stuff.....should I try another brand? or should I avoid regular canned food all together?

After she poops is it ok for me to wipe her butt with wet napkin?

what snacks or treat should I buy her that she will love.

she is CONSTANTLY rubbing her face against my face.....will still continue cause I love it !!!

The heating pad that I placed in her bed shuts off automatically after 3 hours. Will she be ok as long as its not cold and she has a blanket until I turn it back on?

Thats all the questions I have for now....THANK YOU !!!

P.S. I added some pictures of Baby !!


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V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
Welcome to Sphynx Lair.
Sphynx do get eye boogers because they do not have eye lashes.
The do meow alot it is normal.
You can wipe her with baby wipes after he goes to the bathroom.
How old is she?
I think most sphynx like to rub.
I do not use heating pads for my sphynx.
She has a snuggle bag and blankets.
She also sleeps with the other cats.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Mar 8, 2009
Jonathon Congrats on your baby!!! VERY Cute!

My Questions....

Her eyes have a brownish discharge when she wakes up. I read that its just eye boogers? So I just wipe it away and it appears to go away. They do get eye boogers... if it is constant all day it may be a little infection

She meows A LOT ! is his normal? YES

I put out dry and regular premium cat food for her but she does touch the regular canned stuff.....should I try another brand? or should I avoid regular canned food all together? Canned is ok, but most Sphynx like to munch all day so you may want to really try to get her eating dry, if you do switch her food do it gradually to avoid loose stool.

After she poops is it ok for me to wipe her butt with wet napkin? Is she that messy?

what snacks or treat should I buy her that she will love. Sphynx are pigs & most will eat anything.

she is CONSTANTLY rubbing her face against my face.....will still continue cause I love it !!! YES

The heating pad that I placed in her bed shuts off automatically after 3 hours. Will she be ok as long as its not cold and she has a blanket until I turn it back on? Yes... make sure the pad doesn't get too hot though.

Thats all the questions I have for now....THANK YOU !!!

P.S. I added some pictures of Baby !![/QUOTE]


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Hi Babyishername, and welcome, I think you are just A worried new sphynx owner and most of the above sound ok to me, and olot have been talked about if you search from the top of page type in a key work and most likley you will find you answer! Your kitty is A cutie!:ThumbsUp: The wiping the poop I think would be new and you can do it if you want:Laugh: but there should be no need and I would choose to skip that! The face rub will last forever our do it to me A bit but love when my husband skips a shave they will rub him all day! If you don't think she is eating enough try something else but be careful, what was she eating before she came home with you? Try that with a slow switch. She will find A warm spot don't worry. And they usually have something in the corner of there eye because of lack of fur. And yes Sphynx are talkers, you will be talking her language in no time! Hope this helps, can't wait to here her stories.


Sep 8, 2009
  • Thanks Girls !
  • So Im just going to get her used to dry food and never give her canned again !!
  • Baby will be 10 weeks old on sunday :)
  • She is a little Explorer !! Should I be worried about wires or electronics? Do you think she will bite them?
  • Do you think its ok to buy her a collar? I wanted to train her to take walks with me.
  • She is not messy but I do notice little poop stains on her butt and I just thought I could wipe it for her since she comes on the bed with me and my Fiance.
  • First Funny Story - I brought her home from my mothers last night (she was a gift from my mom) and I made her bed, got her food etc etc. I fell asleep around midnight and Around 4am I felt something rubbing my face and it was baby !! lol...she somehow jumped up on the bed and walked right up to my head. At that point I just lifted up the quilt and let her sleep next to my side and she fell right asleep !!
  • Is it ok for her to sleep under the blanket? I would imagine she would leave if it got too uncomfortable??
  • I cant believe how smart and affectionate she is.....Shes nothing like a cat. Im so happy:Adore:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
Sphynx love to sleep under the blankets.
The sphynx I have coming next week is about the same age as her.
Be careful of the wires.
It is ok to keep her on dry food.
When is her bday?


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
  • Thanks Girls !
  • So Im just going to get her used to dry food and never give her canned again !!
  • Baby will be 10 weeks old on sunday :)
  • She is a little Explorer !! Should I be worried about wires or electronics? Do you think she will bite them?
  • Do you think its ok to buy her a collar? I wanted to train her to take walks with me.
  • She is not messy but I do notice little poop stains on her butt and I just thought I could wipe it for her since she comes on the bed with me and my Fiance.
  • First Funny Story - I brought her home from my mothers last night (she was a gift from my mom) and I made her bed, got her food etc etc. I fell asleep around midnight and Around 4am I felt something rubbing my face and it was baby !! lol...she somehow jumped up on the bed and walked right up to my head. At that point I just lifted up the quilt and let her sleep next to my side and she fell right asleep !!
  • Is it ok for her to sleep under the blanket? I would imagine she would leave if it got too uncomfortable??
  • I cant believe how smart and affectionate she is.....Shes nothing like a cat. Im so happy:Adore:
Under the blanket is there favorite place to sleep! I was thinking about the food thing and I see she is only 10 weeks old? We breed and the recomended age for them to leave me is 12 weeks. I would find out what she eating.


Aug 27, 2009
Welcome!!! I am new too. Have had "Sammie" for about 10 days, and "Lily" for only 4 days. They are my first Sphynx cats. I'm a bit nervous too, and have lots of questions. Everyone here so far has been terrific, and so helpful.
The eye boogies - yes. Lily's are worse then Sammies, and I wipe her eyes daily.
I thought about getting heated beds, but after reading posts on this board, I decided that the huge comfortor on my bed (which has now become theirs) is all they really need. I keep a few other blankets around the house for them to burrow in.
I thought Sammie talked alot, until I brought Lily home. Holy man.... SHE'S a talker!!
The wiping the butt thing - I am doing it for Sammie right now, because we are having diarrhea issues. I just use a baby wipe.
As Kerrie said, if you switch food, be careful & go SLOW :) It can be a messy thing.
Thanks for sharing the pics....your kitty is Adorable!


May 4, 2009
Hello! Welcome to the forum! Lots of questions, and you've definitely come to the right place!!

# So Im just going to get her used to dry food and never give her canned again !!
You might consider giving Baby both dry food and canned food. Canned food is great because it helps give her much needed water in her diet, and the dry food is great for keeping their teeth clean. Many of us will free feed dry food and give canned food once or twice per day. It's really up to you, but find what works best for Baby's tummy.

# She is a little Explorer !! Should I be worried about wires or electronics? Do you think she will bite them?
I never have any trouble with my cats chewing on wires, but you'll want to keep an eye on her until you're sure she isn't interested...sphynxes are notoriously mischievous! There are products available at pet stores (like bitter spray) that will deter her if she does try to bite the wires.

# Do you think its ok to buy her a collar? I wanted to train her to take walks with me.
Sphynxes are great for going on walks. Rather than a collar that she could slip out of, you should look for a harness (see the attached photo!)

# She is not messy but I do notice little poop stains on her butt and I just thought I could wipe it for her since she comes on the bed with me and my Fiance.
It's okay to wipe her butt! I've had to do this a few times with mine...blech! I just used a piece of toilet paper, moistened with warm water

# First Funny Story - I brought her home from my mothers last night (she was a gift from my mom) and I made her bed, got her food etc etc. I fell asleep around midnight and Around 4am I felt something rubbing my face and it was baby !! lol...she somehow jumped up on the bed and walked right up to my head. At that point I just lifted up the quilt and let her sleep next to my side and she fell right asleep !! Awesome gift! I need to have a talk with my mom...

# Is it ok for her to sleep under the blanket? I would imagine she would leave if it got too uncomfortable??
They LOVE sleeping under blankets! I have blankets all over the house for the kitties to crawl into! And yes, they go completely under them!

# I cant believe how smart and affectionate she is.....Shes nothing like a cat. Im so happy
She's not just a cat, she's a sphynx!! Congratulations...can't wait to hear more stories!


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Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Mar 8, 2009
[*]So Im just going to get her used to dry food and never give her canned again !!

[*]Baby will be 10 weeks old on sunday :)

[*]She is a little Explorer !! Should I be worried about wires or electronics? Do you think she will bite them? She may each kitty is different... tell her no if that works great, if not & she is persistent try a squirt bottle

[*]Do you think its ok to buy her a collar? I wanted to train her to take walks with me. Yes, if your going to use a collar for walking do not get a break away... or go with a harness. There is a online store that has a ton of designs & custom makes sizes; patternandpaw.com use this coupon code & get 15% off : THANKYOU15. I just ordered our new kitten a leash & collar & it came today with the coupon code in the box.:BigSmile:

[*]She is not messy but I do notice little poop stains on her butt and I just thought I could wipe it for her since she comes on the bed with me and my Fiance. Is her stool a little loose? Normal BM's should leave any stains.

[*]First Funny Story - I brought her home from my mothers last night (she was a gift from my mom) and I made her bed, got her food etc etc. I fell asleep around midnight and Around 4am I felt something rubbing my face and it was baby !! lol...she somehow jumped up on the bed and walked right up to my head. At that point I just lifted up the quilt and let her sleep next to my side and she fell right asleep !!

[*]Is it ok for her to sleep under the blanket? I would imagine she would leave if it got too uncomfortable?? Yes, both my boys do...if they get warm they climb out.

[*]I cant believe how smart and affectionate she is.....Shes nothing like a cat. Im so happy:Adore:

Be prepared to get/ want another one they are addicting! LOL :Laugh:


Jun 13, 2009
Baby is ADORABLE!!!
I also think you need to contact the breeder and find out what wet food she was eating before you brought her home. That way you can continue to feed her that and if you want to buy something better/different then you can make the change slowly. I think sphynx cats should have both dry and wet as they do eat a lot more than a regular cat and dry food would get pretty dull after a while. Find a good quality brand and stick with it. You can change up the flavors and Baby will be a very happy girl!
As for the poopy bum, sometimes kittens don't have very good grooming skills but this is something that will get better over time so you can give her a hand if she has poop stuck to her bum but it shouldn't be there for very long. Just make sure she's have normal poops and not runny ones. As for the eye buggers, as long as her eyes look normal and there is no redness or excessive watering or swelling of the eye tissue (conjunctiva) then the buggers are perfectly normal. My second boy came home 6 weeks ago and he had conjunctives which he spread to my other boy and we are still dealing with it. It's not nice at all. Poor boys.
Enjoy your new Baby!!!!


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Hello Babyishername and welcome to Sphynx Lair! Thanks for joining! Hope you enjoy the site! Wow girls fancy smanshy on those replies! Your getting to be forum gurus!:ThumbsUp::Cool::Laugh:


Sep 8, 2009
Wow.....I came to the right place !! Thanks everyone :Smile:
So far everything's going great. We caught her eating Fancys (my Italian greyhound) food and later on that night she threw it up....That was scary but she's great now and the dog food has been moved to a non-reachable area. I'm trying to figure out how to clean her ears....I don't want to use Qtips. I tried a wet cotton ball, a dry cotton ball and im having no luck getting the stuff out....I think its mainly cause im scared of hurting her. I guess ill have to figure something out. I wish Fancy would just lick the wax out of her ear !!!! lol.

I need everyone's opinion on spaying?? Baby will never be around other cats. I am VERY scared of taking her and having the spaying operation done. Is it absolutely necessary? I dont want her to lose trust in me :Sad:

Thanks again everyone and Ill have a video up soon !!
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Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
I have A video here on ear cleaning I will find it. Epi otic solution from the vet and A cotton ball work best! As for having her spayed I say yes you do not plan on breeding and that will be best for her in the long run, wait untill she is 6 months and have it done, she will not blame you and forget it ever happend!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
I am getting my new sphynx next week and she will be spayed after the November TICA show.
The breeder wants her to be 4/5 months first.
Most breeders have it in the contract.
I am scared of having it done also because I have seen bad things happen.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 7, 2009
Welcome! I absolutely LOVE the picture of Baby with her little hat on :Adore: Meecho was a gift from my mother as well and the other day she had the nerve to say that technically Meecho belonged to her since she bought her. I didn't even blink an eye and said fine, then you take care of her. She needs her bath right now, her ears cleaned, her teeth checked, her boogers wiped and nose blown, and you have to be careful when you get the eye boogies out, you have to search for her toys that she has hidden because she hides them and can't remember where she put them but will cry and cry until she has her fuzzies, and make sure she has enough food through out the day and night to feed her verocious appetite :Laugh: She quickly changed her mind.:LOL: It looks like everyone has given you a lot of good information and as time goes by you will learn a lot of little tricks of your own. When I first brought Meecho home I was literally on pins and needles and kept having panic attacks and had it not been for the wonderful people on this site lord knows what shape Meecho would be in right now. I did notice you want to take your baby for walks. If she doesn't take to her leash and harness although I'm yet to see one that doesn't you can always do what some of us here do. We bought stollers and you can get a great one for cheap on ebay. I also have what I call the kangaroo pouch which is just a pet carrier that you wear like a front fitted back pack. I will usually take both just in case Meecho wants to be close to me or it gets chilly so she can go off my body heat. No matter what you choose to do Baby will love going out. I can't wait to hear stories and see more pictures of her as she grows up. :ThumbsUp:


May 4, 2009
I need everyone's opinion on spaying?? Baby will never be around other cats. I am VERY scared of taking her and having the spaying operation done. Is it absolutely necessary? I dont want her to lose trust in me :Sad:

Here's a thread were we talked about this very issue - I think you'll find it helpful! Yes, spaying her will be a good thing, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Be sure you tell your vet not to use Ketamine. (Also, do a search on this forum for "Ketamine")


She's adorable! :Laugh:
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Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 7, 2009
I would spay simply because I know what I feel like that time of the month and how witchy I can be, can you imagine that in a sphynx :Dizzy:


Jun 13, 2009
Here's a thread were we talked about this very issue - I think you'll find it helpful! Yes, spaying her will be a good thing, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Be sure you tell your vet not to use Ketamine. (Also, do a search on this forum for "Ketamine")


She's adorable! :Laugh:

Hi Brook,

I'm interested in why you say not to use Ketamine??
I had brain surgery a couple of years ago and due to the brain swelling and the horrendous pain i was in they put me on Ketamine as nothing else helped with the pain. I can't tell you how aweful 10 days of a ketamine drip was. I was hallucinating and behaving like a total lunatic.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy and especially my kitty cats!!
Tell me what you know about Ketamine please!!


May 28, 2009
mine doesn't meow that much, ONLY when he's left alone at home for a while, and we come back, he's there to meow and ask in arms :Smile:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
Ketamine is not safe for sphynx cats.
There are somany that have died from it.
I am making sure my vet will not use it on my new sphynx when she gets spayed in Dec.