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soldier looking to adopt sphynx in Fort Campbell area

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Mar 11, 2015
Hi everyone, I'm new to this place. I'm mark I'm 30 yrs old and I'm an avid cat lover. I have 4 right now, but I've always wanted a sphynx of my own. I believe I can provide a safe, loving and warm environment for my new friend should I be given the chance. If my 4 cats could talk they would first say how much they miss their daddy cause I'm currently in korea. Fortunately for them I'm getting out very soon and I won't ever have to say good bye to my babies again. I have 2 males and 2 females all of them are very much loved and showered with attention, although my females are a bit anti social. My boys however, they're something else. As soon as I get home from work Yoda, one of my males jumps right into my lap while I'm taking off my boots. He'll nudge me chin with his little nose and give me an affectionate kiss. Lando, his brother will perch himself on the back of the couch and bat at my head to let me know he's there. All of them are very vocal. They are still have their claws too as I believe personally de-clawing is very inhumane. I would of course ensure my new friend was fixed if not already done so and shots up to date. It might sound goofy but I want to put one in a little sweater or a t shirt. I've got the puuuuurfect name picked out too. I'm very into ancient Egyptian culture, so why not name an animal sacred to them after a great Pharoh Akhenaten. I'm returning to the states in July. Once I get back and settle in I'd like to open my home up to a sphynx.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 24, 2014
Hey Mark, welcome to the lair!

If you have a passion for sphynx your going to love it here!

I hope you get home soon so your fur kitties can stop missing you and good luck in your search for little naked!


Mar 11, 2015
Hey Mark, welcome to the lair!

If you have a passion for sphynx your going to love it here!

I hope you get home soon so your fur kitties can stop missing you and good luck in your search for little naked!
Thank you soooo much for the reply. I definitely have a passion for sphynx and all cats alike. Some thunk it's odd for a man to be so passionate about cats, but it doesn't phase me. I've just always had cats and been drawn to them. Don't get me wrong I've had dogs to but I haven't felt that bond like I do with my kitties. My cat Buffy was one of a kind she would carry my stuffed animals down the stairs as a kitten and they were 3x's the size of her. My bedroom was a loft that overlooked the living room and she would sit down there at meow at me when I wold try to sneak and watch TV when I was supposed to be in bed. when I was in middle school she got out and ran away for a week. When I finally found her someone had shot her with a bee bee gun in the nose and drenched her in motor oil. We rushed her to the vet and got her taken care of immediately. Buffy lived to the age of 18 when we sadly had to put her to sleep. She had renal failure and subject to tremors. We knew she was suffering. Anyway sorry for the long story just wanted to express my gratitude for other cat lovers like myself.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 24, 2014
No need to apologize for long stories here!

Loving hearing about every ones babies and all the little personality quirks!
If your looking for a vocal little monster that will follow you around and wants things done their way; well you've picked the right breed that's for sure!

I look forward to seeing you around; dive right in, read all the info and stories add your thoughts we all love sharing and bouncing ideas around!

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
Welcome to sphynxlair, good to have you. Thank you for your service. You have come to a wonderful place to learn
all about the sphynx breed. With all the support you could ever want. Are you willing to travel to get a baby?
Because you might have to or have them shipped. But, picking them up yourself is best if you can.
If so, I'm sure you will get some pm's with breeder info.
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