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Sphynx cat proper weight - Unable to eat much in 1 go


Feb 28, 2011

Last November my cat was ill, she couldn't eat anymore, threw up everything and such. She has been turned inside out by the veterinarian. First they said it were here kidneys, but a second vet said nothing was wrong with her kidneys, etc. Until they saw her stomach and intestinals were thicker than usual. They said she had an inflammation of stomach and intestinals. She got medication and soon became better again.

But ever since then, she can't eat what she wants. In the past we just gave a bowl of food and she decided herself when and how much she ate. But now, if we put a bowl of food before here, she tries to eat it all and she throws up immediately. Also, she can't seem to combine wet food and dry food, she throws up if she eats one after the other too soon. Because of this, we now give her very small portions, but of course she is Always hungry this way and continuously asks for food.

She is also gaining weight. In the past she was 3.8 kg, when ill she was 3.2 kg and now she is 4.4 kg (and gaining weekly). She doesn't look ill, she is happier and more playful than in the past. More playful doesn't mean she actually plays more, if she plays it is for 2 minutes and then she just sits and watches my antics. So she's not very active, though more active than in the past (more awake, more alert, ...).

Do we have to be worried? Do we have to let her be checked once again? In November they made an echo and took her blood. Besides the inflammation everything was ok. Is it normal she can't keep food down if it is too much nor can combine wet and dry food? Is it normal she keeps gaining weight?

This is what she eats in 1 day. We try to keep to this now, can be a little less or a little more.
Giving her even less than this seems cruel, the way she keeps begging for food the whole time.

* Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie dry food: about 30 gram
* Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie wet food: 100 gram
* Almo Legen wet food: 70 gram



Staff member
Jan 16, 2011

We have seen some members who have an issue with their cats eating to fast and throwing up. I would ask your vet what the ideal weight for your baby is and work from there on how to achieve/maintain that weight.

I know one member uses food timer dishes. This way they can set the dishes with small amounts of food in them to open at certain times and this way they get the food while you are perhaps at work/sleeping but not all at once. Also look up slow feeder bowls. They make cats work around bumps or grooves in the dish so they cannot eat so fast.



Feb 28, 2011
We have such food slowers like a bowl with bumps and the Catch, but that's fot dry food. It doesn't look too handy nor hygenic to use for wet food. And it's mainly wet food she eats.

We are going to weigh what she eats and give her very small portions. We'll keep an eye on her this way and maybe go to the vet in a few weeks with our report.


Feb 28, 2011
But how much do your Sphynxes of around 4 kg eat?

As mentioned, she eats about 170 gram wet food and about 30 geam dry food per day.
Is this too much or not?


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
A can here is 5.5 oz. Ours each get a 1/2 can in the morning and 1/2 can at night and then we have dry food for them to nibble on throughout the day. Ours are all a pretty good weight.


Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
The food timer dishes, you put the wet on ice and keep it cool and that way
she can eat more often and it will be safe. That's what Patti, Catzzzmeow was talking about.
This would be a good thing for her with the wet. Have they looked at her intestines and stomach with a light? Scope?


Feb 28, 2011
My parents are at home and they can give her a little bit of wet food whenever she wants. Keeping it in a tray even with ice makes her not want it anymore. Even if we buy bigger cans and split it and keep it till the next day, then she no longer wants to eat it.

They have only checked her out with an echo. We keep an eye on her and in a week or 2 we'll go to the vet again. But then we'll have a report about her food behaviour.

But noone who had had it yet that their cat needs small portions to keep it down?


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009

Last November my cat was ill, she couldn't eat anymore, threw up everything and such. She has been turned inside out by the veterinarian. First they said it were here kidneys, but a second vet said nothing was wrong with her kidneys, etc. Until they saw her stomach and intestinals were thicker than usual. They said she had an inflammation of stomach and intestinals. She got medication and soon became better again.

But ever since then, she can't eat what she wants. In the past we just gave a bowl of food and she decided herself when and how much she ate. But now, if we put a bowl of food before here, she tries to eat it all and she throws up immediately. Also, she can't seem to combine wet food and dry food, she throws up if she eats one after the other too soon. Because of this, we now give her very small portions, but of course she is Always hungry this way and continuously asks for food.

She is also gaining weight. In the past she was 3.8 kg, when ill she was 3.2 kg and now she is 4.4 kg (and gaining weekly). She doesn't look ill, she is happier and more playful than in the past. More playful doesn't mean she actually plays more, if she plays it is for 2 minutes and then she just sits and watches my antics. So she's not very active, though more active than in the past (more awake, more alert, ...).

Do we have to be worried? Do we have to let her be checked once again? In November they made an echo and took her blood. Besides the inflammation everything was ok. Is it normal she can't keep food down if it is too much nor can combine wet and dry food? Is it normal she keeps gaining weight?

This is what she eats in 1 day. We try to keep to this now, can be a little less or a little more.
Giving her even less than this seems cruel, the way she keeps begging for food the whole time.

* Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie dry food: about 30 gram
* Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie wet food: 100 gram
* Almo Legen wet food: 70 gram


I would be sure there is not a diabetes problem or other issue causing weight problems first and foremost. Perhaps smaller quantities of food throughout out the day, not mixing the wet and dry to help keep her from vomiting. Here is some good food and weight information below.

Food: In ounces thats ounces =7.03
2.46 gr
1.05 gr
3.52 gr
Cats weight: 9.7 pounds

This information below is "general" information and you should always see you vet with food and weight issues.

A good healthy weight for a male sphynx is 8 - 11 lbs (4 - 5 kg - also depending on the cats build and body structure) while a female sphynx ideal weight ranges from 6 - 8 lbs ( 3 - 4 kg - again, also depending on the cats build and body structure ) Sphynx cats usually require a higher caloric intake than other breeds, due to the lack of fur, their bodies are working harder to keep warm.

Adult Sphynx Cat
Sphynx cats suggested food intake.png

Sphynx Kitten
kittens4 suggested daily food intake.png
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Feb 28, 2011
Thanks for the pounds and such.

But 65 tot 75 grams per day? That's awfully little! That's almost half of what she eats now. I think she'd perish if we were to give her so little :(


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 3, 2013
Well then I feed way too much. I do two 3 oz cans a day and free feed dry. The table calls for barely 2oz. Maybe this table is just for reference? Simba has lost 1.5 pounds on what I'm giving him now. I guess every cat is different.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 23, 2012
Thanks for the pounds and such.

But 65 tot 75 grams per day? That's awfully little! That's almost half of what she eats now. I think she'd perish if we were to give her so little :(
It sounds like there is something wrong with her. I agree that you need to go in and rule out diabetes and other diseases. It is probably not going to be a short road to find out what is going on, but I would pursue it until you get an answer.

Find out what the feeding guidelines are for your type of kibble. They will all vary due to calorie content, etc. Sphynx do eat a bit more than regular cats, I would add 10-20% more than the recommendation for her weight.

How much water is she drinking in a day?

Another suggestion that I posted elsewhere - take a clean coffee grinder and grind some of the kibble. Add a bit of warm water to make a "wet" food. See if she can tolerate keeping that down with her kibble. The additional moisture will help her feel more full.

I hope that you can get this sorted. But please take her in to a trusted vet and find out what is going on. There is an underlying issue there. And let us know what they say!! :)


Feb 28, 2011
She does keep her food in, as long as it is a small portion. Larger portions she just swallows completely without chewing. Then it comes up again, because she gobbles it in too fast. So she does keep her food in, as long as we keep in mind not to give too much.

She drinks moderately, she gets moist with her wet food. So water is not too much, nor too little.

For the amount, I think we're OK. Maybe a bit too much. On our cans it says 2 cans a day, which we give and then add a bit dry food as additional for her being a Sphynx. So the 65 grams a day is faaar too little.


Feb 28, 2011
A small update.

She hasn't thrown up anymore since we keep a close eye on the amount of food. We give her small portions and no dry and wet food after eachother.

Since we keep a close eye on the amount of food, she lost a bit of weight too! No gaining anymore.

So good news :). We keep going like this now. We have to go to the vet in a few weeks for her yearly HCM test anyhow, so we can discuss these food problems then too.