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Sphynx does not eat food


Jan 21, 2016
Hi everyone! I adopted a seven month old sphynx cat. I made a huge mistake. I changed his dryfood. Then he get sick. He started to vomit. In my country no one knows about sphynx cat, even the vet. They said he just cold, then they gave him injection. But he still does not eat anything. And he is sleeping all day under my quilt. He loose weight already, I think he 's body temperature is higher than it should be, i love him too much. I'm afraid of losing him. Please help me, how should i do?


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Feb 11, 2013
Hi everyone! I adopted a seven month old sphynx cat. I made a huge mistake. I changed his dryfood. Then he get sick. He started to vomit. In my country no one knows about sphynx cat, even the vet. They said he just cold, then they gave him injection. But he still does not eat anything. And he is sleeping all day under my quilt. He loose weight already, I think he 's body temperature is higher than it should be, i love him too much. I'm afraid of losing him. Please help me, how should i do?

Well have you tried changing his dry food back to what he was used to eating?
I don't know how long you have him, but many times a cat will not want to eat or anything when they first come into your home (it can take days until they get adjusted).
He should be eating wet (canned food) which is better for him than dry food alone by the way.
Is he drinking any water? If not, try to give him water through a syringe so that he doesn't get dehydrated.
If you have never been around a sphynx before, you may not realize that they ARE warmer than a hairy cat.
I can't tell you if he's ill or just depressed and missing his previous home.
Try to get some wet food into him and you can even add a bit of water to it too so he'll get more water if he's not drinking on his own.
Try to play with him with different toys and see if he begins to seem interested.
Why did the vet think he had a cold? Does he have any cold symptoms at all?
Lastly, he should be getting L-Lysine every day...especially if he does have a cold.

Give us as much information as possible and together we can hopefully help more.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
I agree we need to know when you got him and when was he to the vet? If he is not drinking etc, and it has been 2 days you need to get back to the vet. The average temp should be about 103 degrees. If your vet finds it higher than that he might start a round of antibiotics. Keep us updates.


Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Nyx ,Welcome and thank you for reaching out to us - sending positive thoughts for your boy- what is his name?
Good advice given

With kitties it is very important to make sure they are not dehydrated especially if not eating / drinking -
Is he drinking water ? How is he poo? Amy diarrhea? Runny eyes? Abnormally swollen belly?
Changing the water frequently helps with my kitties

There is a simple Turgor test you can do at home too to make sure he is hydrated - very important

I would get him on the brand food he was used to just to get him to eat - you can then slowly transition once he feels better . Wet food is good to add for hydration like mentions

I would definitely call your vet and give them an update on his symptoms
And ask if they want to see him for a follow up

There is a nutritional paste too called Nutri-cal for cats that the vets office often sell -
I put it on my finger and they lick it off

What injection did they give him?

When I brought my cat home he didn't even want to eat the food he was on before and slept I swear for almost 3 days- but he did drink water- kitties can get dehydrated quickly - so very important to monitor him -
Go with your gut and let us know what your vets office suggests

Looking forward to good news updates

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
Welcome to sphynxlair, good to have you.
Sorry to hear about your baby. He probably needs a IV, to keep
him from getting dehydrated, if he isn't already. I would have the Vet
to do blood work. Was he in poor health when you got him?


Sep 13, 2015
Hi everyone! I adopted a seven month old sphynx cat. I made a huge mistake. I changed his dryfood. Then he get sick. He started to vomit. In my country no one knows about sphynx cat, even the vet. They said he just cold, then they gave him injection. But he still does not eat anything. And he is sleeping all day under my quilt. He loose weight already, I think he 's body temperature is higher than it should be, i love him too much. I'm afraid of losing him. Please help me, how should i do?

You could take him to the Animal Infirmary on Thompson Road, they are familiar with the breed.

Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
Hello @Nyx welcome to sphynxlair. Sorry to hear you're dealing with this issue. We all love our sphynx very much so we know the concern when your sphynx isn't eating, vomiting and loosing weight.
It's important to watch if the little one still drinks enough and do the test as @Yoda mom suggest.
Can you go back to the food he was used to eat?

Is it possible your cat ate something (ribbon, plastic) he shouldn't? A blokkage can cause vomiting and not eating. You can ask the vet to make a scanphoto.

A vet can take his temperature. A sphynx should have the same temperature as other cats (not by touch, by touch they feel much warmer).

Hope he will start eating soon.


Jan 21, 2016
Well have you tried changing his dry food back to what he was used to eating?
I don't know how long you have him, but many times a cat will not want to eat or anything when they first come into your home (it can take days until they get adjusted).
He should be eating wet (canned food) which is better for him than dry food alone by the way.
Is he drinking any water? If not, try to give him water through a syringe so that he doesn't get dehydrated.
If you have never been around a sphynx before, you may not realize that they ARE warmer than a hairy cat.
I can't tell you if he's ill or just depressed and missing his previous home.
Try to get some wet food into him and you can even add a bit of water to it too so he'll get more water if he's not drinking on his own.
Try to play with him with different toys and see if he begins to seem interested.
Why did the vet think he had a cold? Does he have any cold symptoms at all?
Lastly, he should be getting L-Lysine every day...especially if he does have a cold.

Give us as much information as possible and together we can hopefully help more.

His name is Dobby. He is living with me 18 days. When he came home, he was playful, everything seem normal. Then we took him to vet, for health check. Vet said he has ear mite, and i searched it was not ear mites, it was just ear infection. I learned, his old owner never cleaned his ears before. By the way, i changed his dryfood. His old owner was feeding him with "Hill's Kitten Healthy Development with Chicken" i did not know this, i gave him "Acana Wild Prairie Regional Formula" it is containing too much protein for him. Maybe it damaged his stomach or bowel. I'm thinking like this because i noticed an blood drop in his stool. I got panicked and took him to the vet again. He made tests, he has not any parasite or bacteria. Vet could not help us. Next day he started to vomit. He throw up all food, and nothing left. He continued to vomit, six times. We took him another wet, he gave him injection. ( Ulcuran, Cerenia, Moksidif La, Neruit Dodeks) They said he just cold, he did not vomit two days after these injection. He did not eat his dryfood ( Acana) i gave him a little bit natural yoghurt, boiled chicken, boiled patato and Royal Canin wet food. He did not eat. Then I bought his old dryfood , he did not eat again. Also, he is not drinking water. When he first came to me he was 3,150 gram, now he is 2,400. He started to vomit again. I feed him with syringe. Whenever he eats he vomit all thing. Today we took him biggest veterinary hospital in istanbul, they gave him serum.They made blood test, he has not FELV, FIV or FIB. But his white blood cell (WBC) is very low. AST is high. Vet gave us a long prescription. ( Synulox flk. [7 days] S. Isotonic, S. Isolyte [5 days] , Ulcuran [ 5 days] Zylexis Flk. [3 days], Poliuit Syrup, Redoxan. Amp. ) Vet also gave him Royal Canin Recovery Formula. After his serum and injection, he continued to throw up. His puke looks different, its colour changed. It was white and transparent now it is yellow. I gave him a little bit his new Royal Canin Recovery wet food with syringe, cause he is refusing to eat. One minute later he throw up all thing that i gave him. I am helpless, now i am crying. my little angel seems too bad, he is not getting better. Actually he looks like poisoned. I could not trust vets. Please, help me.


Jan 21, 2016
@Nyx ,Welcome and thank you for reaching out to us - sending positive thoughts for your boy- what is his name?
Good advice given

With kitties it is very important to make sure they are not dehydrated especially if not eating / drinking -
Is he drinking water ? How is he poo? Amy diarrhea? Runny eyes? Abnormally swollen belly?
Changing the water frequently helps with my kitties

There is a simple Turgor test you can do at home too to make sure he is hydrated - very important

I would get him on the brand food he was used to just to get him to eat - you can then slowly transition once he feels better . Wet food is good to add for hydration like mentions

I would definitely call your vet and give them an update on his symptoms
And ask if they want to see him for a follow up

There is a nutritional paste too called Nutri-cal for cats that the vets office often sell -
I put it on my finger and they lick it off

What injection did they give him?

When I brought my cat home he didn't even want to eat the food he was on before and slept I swear for almost 3 days- but he did drink water- kitties can get dehydrated quickly - so very important to monitor him -
Go with your gut and let us know what your vets office suggests

Looking forward to good news updates

His name is Dobby. He is living with me 18 days. When he came home, he was playful, everything seem normal. Then we took him to vet, for health check. Vet said he has ear mite, and i searched it was not ear mites, it was just ear infection. I learned, his old owner never cleaned his ears before. By the way, i changed his dryfood. His old owner was feeding him with "Hill's Kitten Healthy Development with Chicken" i did not know this, i gave him "Acana Wild Prairie Regional Formula" it is containing too much protein for him. Maybe it damaged his stomach or bowel. I'm thinking like this because i noticed an blood drop in his stool. I got panicked and took him to the vet again. He made tests, he has not any parasite or bacteria. Vet could not help us. Next day he started to vomit. He throw up all food, and nothing left. He continued to vomit, six times. We took him another wet, he gave him injection. ( Ulcuran, Cerenia, Moksidif La, Neruit Dodeks) They said he just cold, he did not vomit two days after these injection. He did not eat his dryfood ( Acana) i gave him a little bit natural yoghurt, boiled chicken, boiled patato and Royal Canin wet food. He did not eat. Then I bought his old dryfood , he did not eat again. Also, he is not drinking water. He is not hydrated. When he first came to me he was 3,150 gram, now he is 2,400. He started to vomit again. I feed him with syringe. Whenever he eats he vomit all thing. Today we took him biggest veterinary hospital in istanbul, they gave him serum.They made blood test, he has not FELV, FIV or FIB. But his white blood cell (WBC) is very low. AST is high. Vet gave us a long prescription. ( Synulox flk. [7 days] S. Isotonic, S. Isolyte [5 days] , Ulcuran [ 5 days] Zylexis Flk. [3 days], Poliuit Syrup, Redoxan. Amp. ) Vet also gave him Royal Canin Recovery Formula. After his serum and injection, he continued to throw up. His puke looks different, its colour changed. It was white and transparent now it is yellow. I gave him a little bit his new Royal Canin Recovery wet food with syringe, cause he is refusing to eat. One minute later he throw up all thing that i gave him.My little angel seems too bad, he is not getting better. Actually he looks like poisoned. I could not trust vets cause they don't know about sphynx cat, they are very rare in here. I am helpless, I could not stand see him like this.

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
Only thing I know is try to give him pedialyte.
To keep him from getting dehydrated. I can't believe they didn't
give him IV fluids. You can try to give him baby food.
Just none with onions or garlic. You can do both with a syringe
until he's doing better, then, try the recovery wet food.
I'm so sorry. I will be praying for your baby and you.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
Please look for another vet and go as soon as possible. Your baby needs to be hydrated NOW with subcutaneous fluids. Have you spoken to the person you got him from (not sure if it is a breeder) hoping they will give extra support. I agree get an x-ray to make sure your baby did not ingest a foreign object.



Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Feb 11, 2013
Only thing I know is try to give him pedialyte.
To keep him from getting dehydrated. I can't believe they didn't
give him IV fluids. You can try to give him baby food.
Just none with onions or garlic. You can do both with a syringe
until he's doing better, then, try the recovery wet food.
I'm so sorry. I will be praying for your baby and you.

I can't believe they didn't give IV fluids either. It's insane and makes me so mad.


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Feb 11, 2013
His name is Dobby. He is living with me 18 days. When he came home, he was playful, everything seem normal. Then we took him to vet, for health check. Vet said he has ear mite, and i searched it was not ear mites, it was just ear infection. I learned, his old owner never cleaned his ears before. By the way, i changed his dryfood. His old owner was feeding him with "Hill's Kitten Healthy Development with Chicken" i did not know this, i gave him "Acana Wild Prairie Regional Formula" it is containing too much protein for him. Maybe it damaged his stomach or bowel. I'm thinking like this because i noticed an blood drop in his stool. I got panicked and took him to the vet again. He made tests, he has not any parasite or bacteria. Vet could not help us. Next day he started to vomit. He throw up all food, and nothing left. He continued to vomit, six times. We took him another wet, he gave him injection. ( Ulcuran, Cerenia, Moksidif La, Neruit Dodeks) They said he just cold, he did not vomit two days after these injection. He did not eat his dryfood ( Acana) i gave him a little bit natural yoghurt, boiled chicken, boiled patato and Royal Canin wet food. He did not eat. Then I bought his old dryfood , he did not eat again. Also, he is not drinking water. When he first came to me he was 3,150 gram, now he is 2,400. He started to vomit again. I feed him with syringe. Whenever he eats he vomit all thing. Today we took him biggest veterinary hospital in istanbul, they gave him serum.They made blood test, he has not FELV, FIV or FIB. But his white blood cell (WBC) is very low. AST is high. Vet gave us a long prescription. ( Synulox flk. [7 days] S. Isotonic, S. Isolyte [5 days] , Ulcuran [ 5 days] Zylexis Flk. [3 days], Poliuit Syrup, Redoxan. Amp. ) Vet also gave him Royal Canin Recovery Formula. After his serum and injection, he continued to throw up. His puke looks different, its colour changed. It was white and transparent now it is yellow. I gave him a little bit his new Royal Canin Recovery wet food with syringe, cause he is refusing to eat. One minute later he throw up all thing that i gave him. I am helpless, now i am crying. my little angel seems too bad, he is not getting better. Actually he looks like poisoned. I could not trust vets. Please, help me.

I'm beside myself right now. It's one thing that vets near you may not know about the sphynx breed, but I'm so angry right now that your naked has not received IV fluids or hasn't gotten an x-ray to see if some foreign object was ingested. Sphynx eat everything! Being that he was fine when you got him...it makes me and others think that something was ingested and there could be a blockage. NOBODY here wants to find out that your baby didn't make it, so please, please, please either go to another vet as soon as possible or demand that your vet give him IV fluids and take a darn x-ray now.
I can't even believe that your vet told you that he had ear mites when he didn't. All your vet had to do is look under a microscope and he'd see them moving around. Sphynx have dirty ears if they aren't cleaned like once a week. They have oils that build up because they don't have fur or enough fur to absorb the oils. It gets black and gross in their ears if not cleaned out.
Anyway, @Nyx, that's not the urgency here, but the drastic change in him not eating and losing weight and getting dehydrated. A baby can't go on like this, it will take his life. Again, please get an x-ray and IV fluids.
I'll pray for you both.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Nov 18, 2013
Have they done an X-ray? These symptoms seem consistent with him having ingested a foreign object such as string thread or an elastic band. This is very urgent and I would also suggest having fluid injected as soon as you can.

Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
I'm so sorry to read the vets can't find what is wrong. Please aak the vet to make an x-ray. Maybe there is a blokage?
And ask the vet to give him fluids.
I see you do everything to help your little Dobby. Dobby has a great mommy!


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 10, 2014
This post has me choking up. I'm so very sorry. I can see how much you love Dobby.

Lots of good advice here. X Rays and fluids are top priority.

Please keep us informed. Sending you positive and healing vibes.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
((Hugs)) amd prayers for you and Dobby-

Agree with X-ray for foreign objects possibly swallowed - any plants he could have ate?
Drank from a toilet with toilet cleaner blue stuff? Pesticide trap? Try to think of anything he may have ingested? They put everything in there mouths amd mine tries licking anything powdery like coffee creamer -
I feed Acana grasslands to my sensitive tummy kitty and no Throw ups even with a quick change over -

Some use ** clear unflavored pedialyte for hydration and some nutri-cal supplement -
Kitties ther are not hydrated can crash quickly -
I would check asap for a second opinion and have them hook him up for some
*** Sub QFluids asap if you say he is dehydrated - a vet should know this for any animal -
Did they give him an injection of vitamin b12 for appetite?
My kitty had ceremia and also metronidazole for 5 days which helped - prayers sent Dobby gets relief

I know you are doing everything for him amd love him so much

Here's a link with a popular kitty glop recipe
Fattening up Brian - GLOP recipe
For my moms car I actually bought a bag of the subQ fluid and vet showed me how to do it at home for my mom if you are comfortable with that as an option too

Did the vet look in his mouth and throat for any obstructions ?
Can you see anything caught in his mouth?

All the lair prayers in the world sent for Dobby!
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