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Sphynx toes


Jan 16, 2010
Does your Sphynx have a certain toe that gets dirtier than others?

Snuffie sure does! I don't know why or how it is but her pinky toes on her back feet get so filthy,,its like they collect more dirt and grim than any other toes. I give her toes a good wipe down with baby wipes atleast once a week when I trim her nails.
About a month ago I noticed her pinky toes on her back feet seem rather disgustingly dirty. They get the same gook, dark brown to black grimmy stuff but just more of it and it tends to collect under that little flap of skin that comes down over the nail. Her nail looks normal once I clean it but sometimes the skin is pinker than normal. It doesn't look infected, just irratated but I can't tell if its from me cleaning it or if its actually irratated.
She did however tonight, literally try to bite my face off when I was cleaning the one of her hind left foot,,I put antibacterial ear cleaner on it just incase its trying to fester but I might end up having to have it looked at.
For now I'm keeping an eye on it and keeping a daily note of how it looks, if I notice it getting worse I'll certainly take her in.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Athena has this happen to her. Sometimes it is like a block of cement on her nail and under her flap of skin. It is very important to keep this area clean or it can get irritated and lead to a infection. I have wondered why her one toe is worse than others and have come up with a conclusions, I think it is the way she digs and covers her buissness in the litter box. She uses the side of this one paw, so a tiny amout of litter gets under the flap and the build up gathers quickly because it is clogged. Leo used 2 feet and is not dainty about his litter digging so never has this problem but he seems to get litter every place. Deejay does not cover when he goes potty so he does not have this problem either.
Just pay extra attention to this, I sit with wipes and try to clean it every day or 2. I must hurt them because Athena has tried to take a bite or 2 out of me also:Woo: she has not hurt me just enough to say hey that hurts.


Jan 16, 2010
Yea, Snuffie doesn't cover her poo at all..I always scoop out the poo when I walk by usually since I'm home all the time. It doesn't look like litter build up, looks more like grease,,its a oily film,,I kept an eye on them today,,they are still clean at this point so I'll just keep a good eye one them.


Jul 17, 2009
Akasha gets amazing dirty paws every week. Its amazing because she generates about three times as much grime as the other two kitties. Her butt is always way dirtier too. The only thing I can think of is that she has oilier skin than the other babies. She doesn't necessarily have any toes that are dirtier than others, but her back paws are always worse than her fronts.