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Spring 2024 vaccination questions for young Sphynx cat


Sep 19, 2023
I'm planning my Evening's vaccinations. She has an appointment in June for two vaccines - rabies and FVRCP. She is a year and two weeks old.

I think I would like to have her vaccinated for Feline leukemia. At some point, she will be boarded at a facility where she's been before; in a separate bedroom, with TLC from people (the owners have cats as well as dogs). On previous visits, she was not allowed to have physical contact with the cats or dogs there, but I would like her to be able to gradually meet cats who live there, as well as cats who belong to friends, if something happens to me...

Evee was tested three weeks ago for Feline Leukemia and FIV, and came up negative on both counts.

Why are you and various breeders dislike vaccinating cats for Feline Leukemia? I would like my young cat to eventually be able to meet other cats, not wild feral cats, but possibly the cats belonging to friends of mine (who are all probably Feline Leukemia negative, but this way I would be sure). I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but would like to know your reasoning. My vet says that there is a 1 in 10,000 chance which is actually closer to 1 in 50,000 that she might get an injection site sarcoma; and that he would vaccinate her in a leg, so it could be amputated if she did get a sarcoma.

Has anyone had their Sphynx cat vaccinated for Feline Leukemia?

Evee is an indoor cat; but I hope to take her outside on-leash when the weather is warmer for brief outings on cloudy days. I want her to be able to walk on grass occasionally, sniff the bushes. I give her flea/tick "Revolution" treatment once a month.

Also, is it safe to have a Sphynx cat given two vaccinations at once, or should I have them done separately, at least two weeks apart?

Advice appreciated...


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
From what I have read, some studies have shown some breeds “might” be more susceptible to adverse reactions…others say no difference. Being as it is not considered a core vaccination / my vet said we do not need it and my contract with our breeder is voided if we get certain vaccines …I choose not to. Be sure you read your contract just in case.

My vet asks me if I want to allow 2 shots at one time or spread them out. I always spread them out. It is a lot on their system. I also like that if I do them separately and they have a reaction, I will know which one they had the issue with. Giving 2 at the same time, you will never really know which was the culprit.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@NewCatMom23 , I am glad Evening tested negative!
I did FeLv vaccinate Raven , black furbaby that showed up at my house many years ago . I did all her core vaccines yearly only the FeLv a couple of times over 16 yrs . still makes me nervous.

My nakids are seniors, no interaction with Raven. I do not vaccinate Macie Bengal or my nakids for Felv. Personally with my nakids and bengal indoor only, I do not over vaccinate. I had a long chat with my vet. my bengal bailey years ago had a horrible reaction to vaccines and vet did an exemption.

I would definitely check your contract and agree with catzzzmeows reply. when I did do vaccines years ago on nakids I separated the vaccines too.

Personally I find that cats are not into socializing with other cats like dogs do for visits. it can cause stress, and even a stress UTI. I personally would still keep in separate bedroom where she is boarded. godforbid anything happened to you and she was rehomed to one of your friends it would be slow introductions to adjust. Not sure how all kitties would react for meet n greets visiting like people do with dogs. even then I still do not let my dogs interact with other dogs. just my thing to keep all paws safe.

have you asked Evenings breeder about her policy/thoughts on Feline Leukemia vaccine? it is not a core vaccine.
(I know somewhere on a post someone commented that her cat passed away after a Felv vaccine negative reaction. I do not know all the details. will try to find the post)

my vet tech always pushes all the vaccines. they are my babies and my choice of what vaccines they receive. same with my pups. I have discussed with my vet and she is on the same page.

*** I always ask vet what brand vaccines they use and if they are adjuvanted or non adjuvanted:

Adjuvants are irritating chemicals added to killed vaccine products to induce local inflammation, bringing more lymphocytes to the vaccination site to respond .

hugs n head smooches, keep us updated.
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Sep 19, 2023
@NewCatMom23 , I am glad Evening tested negative!
I did FeLv vaccinate Raven , black furbaby that showed up at my house many years ago . I did all her core vaccines yearly only the FeLv a couple of times over 16 yrs . still makes me nervous.

My nakids are seniors, no interaction with Raven. I do not vaccinate Macie Bengal or my nakids for Felv. Personally with my nakids and bengal indoor only, I do not over vaccinate. I had a long chat with my vet. my bengal bailey years ago had a horrible reaction to vaccines and vet did an exemption.

I would definitely check your contract and agree with catzzzmeows reply. when I did do vaccines years ago on nakids I separated the vaccines too.

Personally I find that cats are not into socializing with other cats like dogs do for visits. it can cause stress, and even a stress UTI. I personally would still keep in separate bedroom where she is boarded. godforbid anything happened to you and she was rehomed to one of your friends it would be slow introductions to adjust. Not sure how all kitties would react for meet n greets visiting like people do with dogs. even then I still do not let my dogs interact with other dogs. just my thing to keep all paws safe.

have you asked Evenings breeder about her policy/thoughts on Feline Leukemia vaccine? it is not a core vaccine.
(I know somewhere on a post someone commented that her cat passed away after a Felv vaccine negative reaction. I do not know all the details. will try to find the post)

my vet tech always pushes all the vaccines. they are my babies and my choice of what vaccines they receive. same with my pups. I have discussed with my vet and she is on the same page.

*** I always ask vet what brand vaccines they use and if they are adjuvanted or non adjuvanted:

Adjuvants are irritating chemicals added to killed vaccine products to induce local inflammation, bringing more lymphocytes to the vaccination site to respond .

hugs n head smooches, keep us updated.

How do I send you a private message?

What brands of vaccines might be dangerous to a Sphynx cat (of Elf ancestry)? I will ask the vet if the vaccines are adjuvanted or nonadjuvanted. I gather that the nonadjuvanted vaccines would be preferable for Sphynx (and/or all) cats?

Are killed vaccines better than live ones?

My vet has not pushed me at all to have Evee given a Feline Leukemia vaccination. I am just concerned, since there might come a time when she will meet other cats whose Feline leukemia status is uncertain (their owners say the cats are fine, but have not had them vaccinated recently or at all). I would like Evening to at least meet cats occasionally, to know what another cat is, and I cannot give her a cat roommate. Also, I will be boarding her at some point this year, for about 9 days, at the place where there are pet cats (one of whom has been friendly toward Evening but has not been allowed interaction since I didn't know Evee's feline leukemia status), and I would like to see at that time, if Evee and the other cat (a Ragdoll) could tolerate each other for a few minutes or at least short times per day. Plus, I want to be able to take Evening outside on warm cloudy days (on-leash) and not worry about if there are traces of feral cats in the grass...

Thanks for the info!

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@NewCatMom23 , to PM, click on members avatar photo, you will see "start conversation",
the other way is on main page, top right envelope.
I personally err on side of caution. I would not let interact with unknown cat. Always a risk of cat hitting other cat and risking a scratch to the eye , etc.
that would be my luck.
let us know what vet says about vaccines, adjuvanted or non adjuvanted, and brand.

sharing, years ago I was told that the 1yr and 3yr rabies vaccine actually the same but has a different label depending on state. your vet may have more info. I also ask what brand rabies vaccine.
I ask my vet if they use Merial PUREVAX® feline rabies vaccine to protect cats against the rabies virus. This vaccine is non-adjuvanted

*I always check with vet for NON adjuvanted vaccines.
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Sep 19, 2023
@NewCatMom23 , to PM, click on members avatar photo, you will see "start conversation",
the other way is on main page, top right envelope.
I personally err on side of caution. I would not let interact with unknown cat. Always a risk of cat hitting other cat and risking a scratch to the eye , etc.
that would be my luck.
let us know what vet says about vaccines, adjuvanted or non adjuvanted, and brand.

sharing, years ago I was told that the 1yr and 3yr rabies vaccine actually the same but has a different label depending on state. your vet may have more info. I also ask what brand rabies vaccine.
I ask my vet if they use Merial PUREVAX® feline rabies vaccine to protect cats against the rabies virus. This vaccine is non-adjuvanted

*I always check with vet for NON adjuvanted vaccines.

My vet's covering vet relayed the info that their feline rabies is manufactured by a company other than Merial and that both the rabies vaccine and the FVCRP vaccine are non-adjuvanted (I can't find the email now, but I remember that much). I think he also said that Merial is now a different company.


Sep 19, 2023
I found the missing email. My vet's covering vet said that my cat would get a 1-year Purevax Rabies vaccine (non adjuvanted), but it's no longer Merial, Merial has changed names.