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Teaching my Sphynx to walk on leash

Tale Grude

Feb 15, 2014

I'm in the process of teaching Kisa to walk on a leash. Right now she's just getting used to the harness. I have sessions everyday where I put on the harness and play with her, pet her and give her treats to make her associate the harness with something good. But she tends to bite on it a bit. Which I guess is understandable. But she doesn't do it as much as she used to. But what should I do when she does? I have tried distracting her with play. But should I just let her wear it and walk around with it and then if she chews on it, just let her figure out that it won't make a difference? Or? I just want to approach this whole leash learning thing the right way. And she also gets a bit weird when I put it on, she feels like she can move around the same way, which is also
normal for cats when getting used to clothes and harnesses. But is that ok? I don't want to do anything wrong.

And when it comes to taking her outside when she is ready. Do anyone have any tips when it comes to her getting scared? Running into dogs? Stuff like that?


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Jul 15, 2012
My two go out on a leash and harness. They act all weird when the harness is on, but as soon as they get outside they are so interested in everything around them that they forget all about it. Also mine aren't scared of anything that I've found. They think every dog is a new friend to play with, but they live with dogs and are used to them.


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009

I'm in the process of teaching Kisa to walk on a leash. Right now she's just getting used to the harness. I have sessions everyday where I put on the harness and play with her, pet her and give her treats to make her associate the harness with something good. But she tends to bite on it a bit. Which I guess is understandable. But she doesn't do it as much as she used to. But what should I do when she does? I have tried distracting her with play. But should I just let her wear it and walk around with it and then if she chews on it, just let her figure out that it won't make a difference? Or? I just want to approach this whole leash learning thing the right way. And she also gets a bit weird when I put it on, she feels like she can move around the same way, which is also
normal for cats when getting used to clothes and harnesses. But is that ok? I don't want to do anything wrong.

And when it comes to taking her outside when she is ready. Do anyone have any tips when it comes to her getting scared? Running into dogs? Stuff like that?
Do you have a pic with her harness on? Perhaps its too tight or not comfortable for her? Once she is outdoors, and sees the plants swaying in the wind and hears all the new noises and new smells - she will most likely forget the harness is even on. The best way is just jump in and take her out, start in the back yard or where there is not a lot of "action" first to see how she responds, then slowly move to other places that have a bit more action. Here is a vid of Leonidas in the back yard by the pond with his leash and harness.



Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Apr 1, 2011
It may be a good idea to just let her walk around with the harness on in the house with your supervision in the event she gets caught on something. It will help her to get used to it and become familiar with walking on it to feel it without having to be uncomfortable, but also make sure you are around in case she gets hung up trying to jump or becomes to uncomfortable.

If she does not tolerate the harness, they do have vest type shirts that a leash can connect to. My Fluffy wears this type of vest for pet therapy as she too does not really enjoy a harness. She is much more apt to wear a shirt/vest!

Here is her in her vest…




V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 3, 2013
Great thread, im waiting for Blues harness to be delivered & then were gonna try the walkies & i was thinking exactly the same questions, Blues 9mths old now, i toyed with the idea of getting a kitty stroller but thats been put in the backburner for a while as my boyfriends saying a definate no so im getting the harness first then i'll get the stroller for going on longer walks ;) I'll keep my eye on this thread because it'll be great to see how you get on as it will be our turn for walkies next week....good luck :) xxx

Tale Grude

Feb 15, 2014
Thanks for the tips guys! I don't think the harness is too tight though, I can fit a finger inbetween without a problem, and that's supposed to be the accurate tightness of the harness. I did have it looser in the start for her to get a bit comfortable. But I do think the main reason for her chewing on it at times, is cause she is not used to it :)

I'm kind of scared to take her out yet. I don't exactly have a backyard. Theres a "busy" street right outside my door. But there is a fenced-in roof terrace on the top of my apratment building, I tought I could take her up there first. That way she can still hear the sounds of the outdoors, cars, people, animals etc. With out having any of right in front of her :)


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jun 1, 2013
I use vest type harness for my 11 month old. She is used to clothes so that one worked better for her than the small strap type harness. I started her outside at about 7 months. Most of the time now when I say 'want to go for a walk?' And put her harness on she purrs!!! Almost everyday when the door is open and the screen for is shut (no escapies!) she stands and meows at the door to go out!!
As for them being afraid of things, it's really up to the cat. My Cleopatra Softpaws is scared of half the people and some dogs that are big. She doesn't likes cars and she watches thm till they drive away. What I do when she really freaks is pick her up and tell her it's alright in an effort to make her see that I am a safe place.

Tale Grude

Feb 15, 2014
Thanks guys! I think I'm just scared that she'll get so freaked out that she'll bite and scratch me if I try to pick her up, and that I'll end up dropping her and the leash and she'll run off XD


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 3, 2013
Blues adventures on a harness & lead are not going so good :( he growl when im putting it on him & walks like a horse lifting his front legs up like hes going clipperty-clop, it fits him perfect i can put my fingers under it nice & comfy so i know its a good fit, ive tried him with just the harmess 5 mins here & there & he tries to bite the harness, ive let him play with it when its not on him & he tries to kill it !!! We will persevere & hopefully by the summer he wont be like a wild cat lol xxx