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Time to Add Another Sphynx to Our family

Apr 3, 2010
Hello All,

Gable needs a friend and we want to give a forever family to another Sphynx. We haven't been successful thus far watching Kajiji and ads so we are moving forward!

We have decided to look at finding some reputable breeders in our area and getting a kitten, or even a retired adult! Since I have never gone the "breeder route" what do I look for, what do I ask, what can I expect?

I have heard so many stories about people having wonderful experiences with buying from a breeder as well as I have read the not so positive tales. I want to make sure I get a healthy baby from someone who loved him/her as much as we will.

Apr 3, 2010
Yes I would absolutely be interested thank you!

At this point I definitely have to be open to having a cat shipped if necessary as I have to also acquire new transportation and cannot commit to making a long drive at this time.

Any assistance being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

I am not looking for anything other than a healthy pet quality baby in need of a forever family. I am not looking to show (maybe someday?) at this time and am not really picky about colour or sex.


Jan 30, 2010

the top two come as a pair from edm -- as the female needs the male -- they are lovely and the breeder has them on kiiji right now for 300; she is looking for a good home as the female is very shy

no i am not making profit or anything - - just like to see everyonce get forever happy homes!!


Nov 12, 2012
How old is your current cat?

I once tried to integrate my older cat - 3-4 years old - with a kitten and it was a disaster. I had these dreams of them being best friends and playing together and it was anything but. It was horrible. My cat who was the sweetest lover of all time totally changed personality when the kitten came into the house. He was aggressive and mean all the time. He beat up the little dude. I thought that they would get used to each other and things would calm down, but it never happened. It was a nightmare. I finally had to separate them after a few months of this stress and the kitten had to go with my ex. As soon as he was gone, my cat turned back into his sweet loving self again.

I guess some cats don't like other cats.

With that said, my latest cat Oscar was almost 1 and he was very bored and rambunctious despite the fact that I work from home and play with him nearly an hour a day. He kept biting and trying to play in a way that I couldn't satisfy - you know, cat play. I decided that he might need a playmate to get this cat energy out. I was so lucky to find that the woman who bred him happened to be in contact with one of his littermates new family. It turned out that they couldn't keep his sister because of allergies and through fate she ended up at my house in San Francisco the next weekend from Los Angeles. The two of them are the best of friends. They play together. They clean each other. They sleep together. It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I think that perhaps they had some recognition of each other from litter times or that the similar age and size helped a lot in the transition.

Good luck!!!