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totally sad and miserable


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 7, 2009
I need to let out my woes and I'm sorry if I sound down but I really am just miserable. Friday my job rushed me out of town to help them with some claims in kansas. Now I'm sure Kansas is a perfectly lovely state but I'm REALLY not used to things this rural. I've lived all over the world and have always been near the city so this is a lot to take in. The worst part is it was so last minute I was only home for 15 minutes, just long enough to through a bunch of stuff in my suitcase and take off. The whole time Meecho was getting sad and anxious and I miss her sooooooooo much it hurts. This is the first time I've ever been away from her and my old fears keep coming back. Last time I left town it was on vacation and when I came back my cat died of cancer. Now when I left I thought Midnight was perfectly healthy, so now I'm worried my bad luck will carry over to Meecho.

I know this sounds bad but I keep calling home to see how she is doing and I just found out she is miserable too! :Pudently: She has spent all night crying up and down the hallway keeping everyone awake. I know I should not be happy she is upset and miserable but it does because it makes me know that she really does need me and only me. Now if I can only get home to her. I could be here for anywhere from one to two weeks :ThumbsDown: Also to make things even worse I'm so used to checking the site several times a day and I now barely have time to get on here at all in the last two days and i'm sooooo tired. Ok I'm done the pity party. Thanks for letting me vent. :Smile: Night night everyone :Worn-out:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Feb 26, 2009
I'm sorry you don't get to see Meecho. I'd feel the same way if I was away from Butterball. At least you got some videos to keep you company. If I leave, I think I'll set up a web cam and peek in on him ever so often.

I used to leave for a job I had. I didn't have any animals at home though. It's my experience that traveling for work is as bad or even worse than not traveling and going to work. I used to dread it.

Anyway, I'm sure the Meechster will be A-OK while you're gone.


May 4, 2009
Oh Kalliee, I totally empathize with you! Having just lost 2 of my beloved pets this year, I get nervous every time I come home that Walter isn't going to run to the door to greet me like he always does. All the fears go away as soon as I open the door and he starts screaming at me, but for that second that I'm turning the key to unlock the door, those fears are running through my head - every single day. I miss him even when I'm just gone for 8 hours at work! I have to leave town for work for 3 days next week, and I'm totally dreading leaving Walter. :Sweat:

It's just that you love her so much, you can't bear the thought of not having her in your life. I hope that in time it will get easier, that you and I both will learn to relax and know that they'll be waiting there for us when we get home! Just think about how happy she's going to be when she see's you!

I know she'll be okay. Perhaps this break will give her some time to bond more with the rest of the family?


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 7, 2009
Thanks Brooke. Your absolutely right I've been waiting for that second shoe to drop that I forget sometimes to just sit back and enjoy her. If I don't then I will just regret it later when I look back. Good thing is I'M BACK!!!!:BigSmile: I got to come home early which is good because I kept getting calls that my family was going to kill Meecho because she wouldn't stop crying and looking for me :LOL:

Bad thing is, she's such a smarter thing that she quickly learned some bad habits :Angry: To much spoiling and now she's being a brat. But that's ok we can fix that in time. I'm just so happy to hold her and kiss her and have her drool on me at night. I give a day or two before I'm wishing she would just be quiet for 2 seconds but for now her voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard :Laugh: