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Dec 1, 2019
Hi everyone. I have a terrible problem I hope you can help with. My sphynx is 5 months old. A neutered male. He appears happy and playful but last month he had an issue with blood in his stool and diarrhea. We got that all fixed up but shortly after he started to squat and pee tiny dots if urine which had blood. After all the tests and meds it was determined he had blood from stress. More meds and urine is clear not more little deposits everywhere. That part is all good but now he is still peeing everywhere. I watch him carefully so as soon as I see I grab him and take him to the litter box and he will go pee in there. He never poops anywhere but his box but the peeing is terrible and my husband is getting angry. I bought a couple of the feliway units a week ago but they are not working either. I don’t know what to do now. When we talked about stress we are not sure what has caused it. We don’t have small kids or anything. We have dogs but they were here first and he plays with them. I need help or I will have to sell him and he is such a sweet cat. Thank you
Oh and his litter is prestine and the house is super clean

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Carl, did they do a cystocentesis urine draw test? to check his urine? I did this with my boy years ago who had a stress related UTI when I first brought him home. It cleared up with meds and followup to the vet for a recheck via cystocentesis method. he had struvite crystals and some blood in his urine test. he is now 9 years old and never had another issue. I did not use the feliway. my boy had a few rounds of medication. the blood was not visible to the naked eye when I tried to check with a paper towel.

the cystocentesis gave detailed info for treatment plan. I would ask the vet to rule out recurrent UTI? any crystals in urine ? there are two types.

with male it is especially important to rule out any possible blockages ? these can be life threatening I learned if not treated...not to alarm just to share.

perhaps it is a UTI? i would definitely follow up with the vet.

sending a lair full of positive vibes...
a breeder recommended "mistermax anti icky poo" as an enzyme cleaner.

also, how is his urine output? does he makes frequent trips in and out of the box with little or no output of urine? that is sometimes a classic sign of a urinary tract infection from my experience.

hugs head smooches and positive vibes for your baby. following closely for updates..
hang in there..you got this

@Carl, also wanted to share some antibiotics work better than others for sphynx.
I have had better results with Doxycycline . we can't diagnosis but wanted to share some ideas to help your sweetie boy
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2014
I agree it definitely sounds like a medical issue, not a behavioral one. Kitty is likely having some kidney issues. Could be crystals, infection, many other things. If your vet is not in agreement that something is going on and is willing to provide treatment I would advise getting a second opinion.

Love and Sphynx ~ It’s all you need


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2011
Once you rule out any further medical issues, I would attempt to retrain him. Confine him to a small room or even a large dog crate with a litter box. once he is successful at being faithful to the litter box, slowly increase the size of his environment. If may not be fun to have him confined, but this can work quite well at getting him back to using the box.


Feb 21, 2017
I adopted a 2 year male who was not neutered, & he would pee outside his litter box. The neutering helped but not completely. This is what I did. First I used a product called Icky Poo to clean the pee, which breaks down enzymes to eliminate the odor (cats can smell where they peed even if you clean the area with bleach & you can't smell it, but this product eliminates the odor). It must be sprayed on, or soak a carpet with it, and leave it wet for hours or even days. Ace peed on the floor which soaked into our wool area rug. I bought a gallon size jug of Icy Poo, and I soaked the rug and reapplied for 3 days to ensure the smell was gone, and while that was working I put aluminum foil on the area to deter him from going there. Then I put his food and a cat tree where he peed (mine had a favorite spot). Plus bought litter called cat attract that is supposed to entice cats to use the litter box. I think the thorough cleaning of the area and the cat tree/food placement is what worked.