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Vomiting and bloody rectal discharge


Jun 29, 2015
I have been noticing bloody anal discharge from my 5 month old kitten when she poops. I wipe it off every time but it keeps coming back, and I waited to see if it would go away because I thought it may have been her somewhat recent change of diet.
It has not gone away yet and recently she has vomited twice, once last week and once the week before that. Today she just woke up early in the morning and began gagging like she was about to vomit in bed, but only spit out some saliva as far as I can tell (I don't see any vomit.) After that she left the bed and sat alone in a corner for a while and didn't reply to my calls, only answering with quiet, hoarse meows. I think she's fine now (it's been about 15 minutes since the attempted vomit) because she's now jumping around the desk and my shoulders as I type, and answering me with her usual chirpy meows. She also ate a treat.
I haven't gone to the vet yet, since I'd already taken her to the vet once before and the emergency hospital once as well (I was worried since she had been wheezing excessively during her respiratory infection, she was prescribed a new antibiotic since she had been previously taking Convenia which did not seem to help her. She has since recovered with the new medication and has seemed to be perfectly healthy before the vomiting and bloody poop.)
If it continues I will take her to the vet. I fed her a slice of banana the day before yesterday, and last week she was caught drinking out of the dog's water bowel. Is it possible she got sick from that?
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Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Wyfwulf , Sending healing vibes - I would strongly suggest contacting your vet- please call them and see what they advise-
Could she have gotten into or swallowed anything ? Strings, dental floss, etc-
Coming ongoing from both ends , I would want her checked and at least start with a call to her vet while it's early in the day- they may say monitor today and bring in later if worsens- Check her mouth for any obstructions and be sure she is not dehydrated by doing a turgor skin test by gently pulling up on the skin neck letting it fall back down into place, and see if it snaps back in place or stays peaked like a tent that would indicate dehydration which is serious - I would also ask your vet about a stool sample testing

Please keep us updated- we worry like one of our own


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
I agree with a trip to the vet, or at least giving them a call. Having blood once in a while is not abnormal, but constant blood is. If she starts to gag/vomit again or you notice something odd, try to get a video to share with the vet when you go. I hope it is nothing serious.



Jun 29, 2015
@Wyfwulf , Sending healing vibes - I would strongly suggest contacting your vet- please call them and see what they advise-
Could she have gotten into or swallowed anything ? Strings, dental floss, etc-
Coming ongoing from both ends , I would want her checked and at least start with a call to her vet while it's early in the day- they may say monitor today and bring in later if worsens- Check her mouth for any obstructions and be sure she is not dehydrated by doing a turgor skin test by gently pulling up on the skin neck letting it fall back down into place, and see if it snaps back in place or stays peaked like a tent that would indicate dehydration which is serious - I would also ask your vet about a stool sample testing

Please keep us updated- we worry like one of our own
Thank you! I don't think she got into any strings as she has been living mostly in one room (I take her out every day but she can't roam around the house alone yet because of the dogs). I will keep an eye out though for items she might eat. I checked her mouth and it seems fine, and I did the turgor test and it seems like her skin is snapping back like usual, hard to tell because she has so many wrinkles :p
I will definitely call my vet asap and see what they have to say!


Jun 29, 2015
@Wyfwulf , checking in on your baby? Any updates from the vet?
Btw, what is her name :) ?

Hope To hear good news updates
Her name is Sansa :)
I took her to the vet and he told me that she could have mites in her ears because her ear wax was brown... Every source I have found on sphynxes was that it was normal for them to have more ear wax and for it to be this color.
He also said that at 103 degrees Fahrenheit she had a fever. I told him that I'd read that sphynxes have higher tempuratures and he said "sometimes" but mostly dismissed it.
I don't think I'll be taking her to this vet again, though he has given me Flagyl to give to her orally as well as something listed as "Quadritop Ointment Animax" to put in her ears.
Is it safe to give her these (or at least the Flagyl?) I'm not sure I trust this vet for sphynx-specific topics but Sansa hasn't been eating or pooping and I'm worried that if I don't treat her soon it will get worse.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Wyfwulf , hi Sansa!we are sending healing feel better vibes!
flagyl (metronidazole) is quote commonly prescribed to sphynx - you will see several posts on many of having this and the ear ointments -
Not eating or pooping is a concern- what did the vet say about that?
When was her last movement? Did vet want you to drop of a sample to check?

Have you tried a little 100% pure pumpkin ? ( many of us use lobby's- you can freeze it in a covered ice tray) keep a little stored in the fridge In a sealed container. it is often used for both types of poo issues-
I warm it a little and check to the touch before giving - or can mix in wet food

I would probably" go with your gut ". I would seek a second opinion- perhaps post a thread on the vet recommendation forum and tell of your area . Hopefully a member can give a recommendation-

Yes , sphynx are notorious for brown wax years often not mites- did they microscope it to confirm mites?
I find 2x a week with either epi optic or Triz ultra/ keto on a cotton cosmetic pad wiped in ear same a precision tip a tip wetted with ear solution does the trick-
I have heard of the ointment they sold you- I don't have experience with it.

Did Sansa eat or drink tonight? I would call around tomorrow and check with vets accepting new patients and ask about sphynx experience- you need to really make sure she gets fluids and watch temp- hopefully she will get so,e relief from the flagyl- many of us have had good results with it for our babies.

I keep on hand unflavored Clear only! Pedialyte . I keep it for my hurricane kit - vet told me I can give if kitties starts getting dehydrated in an emergency while getting to a vet -
Of course always seek your own vets advise )

What was the vets diagnosis?


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Jun 29, 2015
@Wyfwulf , hi Sansa!we are sending healing feel better vibes!
flagyl (metronidazole) is quote commonly prescribed to sphynx - you will see several posts on many of having this and the ear ointments -
Not eating or pooping is a concern- what did the vet say about that?
When was her last movement? Did vet want you to drop of a sample to check?

Have you tried a little 100% pure pumpkin ? ( many of us use lobby's- you can freeze it in a covered ice tray) keep a little stored in the fridge In a sealed container. it is often used for both types of poo issues-
I warm it a little and check to the touch before giving - or can mix in wet food

I would probably" go with your gut ". I would seek a second opinion- perhaps post a thread on the vet recommendation forum and tell of your area . Hopefully a member can give a recommendation-

Yes , sphynx are notorious for brown wax years often not mites- did they microscope it to confirm mites?
I find 2x a week with either epi optic or Triz ultra/ keto on a cotton cosmetic pad wiped in ear same a precision tip a tip wetted with ear solution does the trick-
I have heard of the ointment they sold you- I don't have experience with it.

Did Sansa eat or drink tonight? I would call around tomorrow and check with vets accepting new patients and ask about sphynx experience- you need to really make sure she gets fluids and watch temp- hopefully she will get so,e relief from the flagyl- many of us have had good results with it for our babies.

I keep on hand unflavored Clear only! Pedialyte . I keep it for my hurricane kit - vet told me I can give if kitties starts getting dehydrated in an emergency while getting to a vet -
Of course always seek your own vets advise )

What was the vets diagnosis?
The vet said I should try feeding her meat human baby food and stop giving her all other types of food, treats, and lysine chews.
Her last bowel movement was around midnight last night. She hasn't pooped all day and now it is 6:07pm :(
I have tried pure pumpkin for her before when her poop was even runnier, but have since stopped when I felt she didn't need it anymore. I would try giving it to her again but the vet said nothing besides the baby food.
The vet did check her earwax and found no mites.
I don't think she has eaten; if she has it was a very small amount because I didn't notice it missing from her bowl.
I think she drank once today but not sure as well, I had to leave the house for a short time and she may have drank then.
I may just be a bit more skeptical of this vet because I had a bad experience with the first one I took her to and I'm just worrying about my baby :p
Thank you for all the information! I really appreciate it.

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
I hope your baby is doing better a second opinion is always
a good thing.
look at the tread of Recommended Vets, they will be a Vet
someone here uses.
If there is none listed around where you live, just ask if anyone
knows of a Vet around where you live. City & State


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
From what you originally posted, it sounded like this all started with a food change? If so, I would go back to the original food, no treats, baby food or human food. Stick to one diet and no changes or additions until you find the root cause, if vomiting and bloody stools persist, see another vet. It can take one to two week to see results. Keep us posted. :)


Jun 29, 2015
From what you originally posted, it sounded like this all started with a food change? If so, I would go back to the original food, no treats, baby food or human food. Stick to one diet and no changes or additions until you find the root cause, if vomiting and bloody stools persist, see another vet. It can take one to two week to see results. Keep us posted. :)
The original food I was feeding her was wet, but I changed to dry because the wet had a paragraph of ingredients, some of which I didn't like. I have been looking into raw because I've heard it's great and I want what's best for her, but I am not sure what type of powder supplement to add onto raw poultry (she doesn't like frozen pre-packaged).
Right now I've been feeding her the baby food as the vet recommended, and no bloody poop, but not much poop either :( She used to poop 2-3 times a day and between now and the day before yesterday she's only pooped twice, and only small poops. Hopefully that will change soon. But she hasn't tried to vomit again! :)
Since she's been eating the baby food a lot, I figure I will feed that to her until she seems back to her normal self. Then I may switch to raw.
Thank you everyone for your tips!


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
The original food I was feeding her was wet, but I changed to dry because the wet had a paragraph of ingredients, some of which I didn't like. I have been looking into raw because I've heard it's great and I want what's best for her, but I am not sure what type of powder supplement to add onto raw poultry (she doesn't like frozen pre-packaged).
Right now I've been feeding her the baby food as the vet recommended, and no bloody poop, but not much poop either :( She used to poop 2-3 times a day and between now and the day before yesterday she's only pooped twice, and only small poops. Hopefully that will change soon. But she hasn't tried to vomit again! :)
Since she's been eating the baby food a lot, I figure I will feed that to her until she seems back to her normal self. Then I may switch to raw.
Thank you everyone for your tips!
Be sure to check out our Sphynx Cats & Raw Diet section - and here is an awesome thread on step by step instructions on making raw with pics! Raw Cat Food Information :)