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Yet another Gem update - And pics of Gem and Aiyana


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
May 27, 2009
Anyone sick of hearing of Gem yet? LOL I promise I'll get some new pictures of Oogie and Haley soon, as well as my soon to be new foster child - I'll be picking him up on Monday.

As for Gem, we're having some minor set backs, she's having tummy troubles, she has the WORST gas, and doesn't have a great appetite, but considering what she's been though lately, I'm not shocked! I've got her on a good pro-biotic and digestive enzymes to try to help with the yucky poop and bad gas, hopefully that'll do the trick! She's also peeing ALOT, like every 45 minutes to an hour all day long she's asking to go outside to pee, I'm not sure if it's behavioral or medical, I did have a urine sample tested, the said it wasn't an infection, but sent a urine sample to the lab just to make sure there's nothing to worry about. She'll have blood work re-done when I take her back to the vet who did her surgery in a week. She's also been coughing ever since I picked her up from the vet on Monday, at first I thought it was just irritation from the trach tube they use during surgery, but now I'm thinking there's more to it, as she's coughing up some phlem, and it's not getting any better. I called the vet that did her surgeries, and he said she should be ok since she's already on antibiotics, but after talking to both him and my local vet, we decided to put her on a cough medicine at night so she's not coughing when she should be sleeping.

But aside from those minor set backs, she's doing great! She's got more energy then ever - I'm having a real challenge keeping her quiet and off her leg! Haley is so funny with her, she follows Gem around, and bathes her whenever she gets a chance. Gem's not quite sure what she thinks of Haley, but Haley doesn't care, she's already decided Gem is her "kitten" LOL Despite the frequent urination, she has been the easiest puppy on house training I've had in a while - My own Uri was a really easy baby to potty train, but he did take SOME work, Gem has been so easy, she has only had 2 accidents since I brought her home, she always goes potty when I take her out, or if I'm not able to take her out right that second, she always uses a potty pad or a paper, she hasn't pottied on the floor ONCE! I'm very impressed, she's spoiling me!

Here's a couple new pictures I took, enjoy! Most of them are my little white girl, Aiyana, the most spoiled little IG princess in the world!


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Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
No, I'm not tired of hearing about Gem. I rather like hearing how she's doing. She's a sweet little thing and I have gotten to love her reading about all her troubles. Hope she gets better very quickly and that this is just a tiny little set back.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Aug 4, 2009
I love the pictures. :Smile: Hopefully there won't be anymore set backs and that she will continue to improve tremendously.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Oct 5, 2009
They are both just darling. I am glad that Gem is doing so well with potty training. My Iggy, Reagan was a nightmare. She still barely goes out if it's cold, raining, snowing or the wind is blowing the wrong direction and she is 5. LOL


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 20, 2009
Love the pics Lydia, thanks for sharing. Aiyanna is gorgeous. I love the white! Gem seems to be the sweetest baby ever! Are you going to keep her? You sound quite attached!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
May 27, 2009
Love the pics Lydia, thanks for sharing. Aiyanna is gorgeous. I love the white! Gem seems to be the sweetest baby ever! Are you going to keep her? You sound quite attached!
I'll admit, I am very attached to little Gem already, but for now I'm still considering her a foster. She is wonderful, very well behaved for an iggy puppy! But I already have 7 dogs of my own - 3 flunked fosters, 2 show dogs, 1 that was a gift from my fiance before he passed, and then there's Princess Aiyana - I bred her, she came out of my top winning male and a beautiful girl I co-owned. She was born absolutely perfect, I knew from the moment she was born that she would remain with me hr entire life! She turned out to be deaf despite all the health testing I did on the parents, but that doesn't matter to me, I couldn't love her any more! She's absolutly perfect in my eyes!

Gem has had a rough day, I need to get her some warmer clothes made - I CAN sew, I just don't like to! She will remain with me at any rate for at least the next 6 months, she still has 2 major surgeries to fix her bad patellas before I'd place her. Long term fosters are hard! My last double patella puppy had so many other problems, she was with me 2 years before I found someone good enough for her! But she went to a wonderful home with another rescue iggy, and has since been joined by 2 more that her mom adopted from me - an old boy I rescued from the streets with such nasty teeth he lost all but ONE tooth, and a deaf puppy that's related to my deaf boy, Uri (one of my 3 failed fosters LOL)

I have always loved the white IGs, they have an extra beauty and elegance about them! There are some added challenges, but my 2 solid whites are so special I don't mind at all!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
May 27, 2009
They are both just darling. I am glad that Gem is doing so well with potty training. My Iggy, Reagan was a nightmare. She still barely goes out if it's cold, raining, snowing or the wind is blowing the wrong direction and she is 5. LOL

That would be Aiyana! The princess HATES the cold and rain, she was born and raised in Las Vegas, moving back to Utah has sure been challenge for the iggies! We compromise, and I allow her to use piddle pads or a doggy litter box when it's storming or really cold outside! My Hannah, was the WORST puppy EVER!!!! I'll admit I wasn't prepared, she was a gift from my fiance, and I was grieving for my Springer and my Bichon mix I'd lost, she took forever to house train, destroyed anything she could - walls, carpet, doors, you name it! But with alot of patience, at near 7 now, she's really turned into a great dog, even if she never fully lost her naughty side LOL