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adult sphynx

  1. brokersblue

    Looking for hairless Upstate NY

    Howdy , guess this is a good place to look for a hairless! I’ve always wanted a cat especially a sphynx and i’m finally now going for it. I’m hoping to adopt a mature cat, at least a few years would be good but not opposed to young either. I live Upstate New York with a bunch of land, and a...
  2. Laurwadz

    Buying a rehomed sphynx, thoughts/tips/suggestions?

    I have been in search of an emotional support animal and after extensive research I’ve fallen in love with Sphynx. My preference is to have an older cat and I found someone rehoming 3 Sphynx cats, 1 of which is a 4 year old male. They are asking $800 for a rehoming fee, he is fixed and the owner...