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eating things

  1. kauna

    Pica? Weird new thing?

    Hi All, I am looking for some insights. Agnes has always had an affinity for plastic grocery bags, she will lick/eat pieces of the them if they are left out and within reach of her. Luckily, we haven't had any issues with a blockage and she has always vomited up what she has eaten. I have been...
  2. lolvo

    Yes Hi, I'll Have A Nice Twist Tie With A Side Of Cocktail Umbrella

    Last week, Miss Demeanor threw up a wadded-up twist tie. Fearing for her life, I took her to the vet for x-rays and they found no harm and no other items nestled in her greedy little gullet. We both walked away unscathed, and I with a slightly lighter wallet. Things like this happen from time to...