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  1. andraco

    HELP - Pet Insurance

    Hello everyone. My name is Andra, and my cat's name is Dobby. Dobby and I just moved from South Korea to upstate New York State. We are new to the USA. He is 1.5 years old, healthy, neutered, up-to-date with all shots, and weighs around 8 lbs. I have had him since he was a baby. I would like to...
  2. Nate

    Anyone done an in-depth analysis on Insurance Providers?

    Hello! Nate here, soon to be a dad to a Black Peterbald! We're looking at Health Insurance for our boy, and there are WAY too many options out there! Before I spend way too long doing so, has anyone done an in-depth analysis of prices and coverage for multiple providers? I've searched these...