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male cat

  1. Loki2306

    Adding a second sphynx to the family?

    I have a 7 month old male called Loki, he isn't fixed yet due to currently being treated for a Tritrichomonas foetus infection (they are waiting until he is fit and healthy) but he will be soon! My husband I are home the majority of the time but we do get the major guilts when we leave him at...
  2. Wren Blackford

    3 Year Old Neutered Blue/White, seeking new home due to human medical complications.

    Hello all, It is with immense heartbreak and devastation that I have joined these forums because I've been looking at finding a new home for my beloved Everest. He is my heart cat, I have always wanted a sphynx and we have been closer than any animal I've ever bonded with. But due to my own...