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  1. summerhott1977

    Newborns eyes already open!

    Hi all! So my cat Brite has 4 brand new babies born November 16th. The smallest of them already had its eyes open! Is this normal for a sphynx? I got Brite from a breeder that was quitting when she was about 2 weeks away from delivery
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    Satiah with her new litter. Set of 3 new blessings
  3. Kaitlynmason

    1 week old kittens constipated

    Hello! My 9 day old kittens have both stopped having BM at the exact same time.. up & until 48 hours ago they were having 2 a day. They are bottle fed KMR powder. I’ve tried stimulating them (as I’ve been doing from the beginning) adding more water to their formula. A couple of drops of olive...