Welcome to Sphynxlair! Connect with Sphynx owners & enthusiasts around the world!


  1. Andre headed to nursing homes

    Andre headed to nursing homes

  2. André n service cat training

    André n service cat training

  3. André n service cat training

    André n service cat training

  4. André n service cat training

    André n service cat training

    André loves a dressed up last in pearls
  5. André n service cat training

    André n service cat training

  6. André n service cat training

    André n service cat training

    André visits assistance living homes
  7. IMG953666.jpg


    André is on #area51sphynx so this was his outfit
  8. MeadowThorne

    Sphynx addictions

    I just got my first sphynx for my birthday this May. I have stopped my profession of horses showing since 9 and sold them and all my outside animals and dedicated my life to my sphynx n cats now. I have worked in rescue n rehab along with service n therapy animals. Enough about me ! Meet André...