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upper respiratory

  1. MeatballsMom

    Sick kitten

    Hello! I have a 7 week old Sphynx kitten who got sick the day after he came into my care. I thought it was an upper respiratory infection, and he has been on antibiotics but no change. One of his eyes has been watering (clear, no yellow or green), and he has sneezing fits often. His breathing is...
  2. Luvmisphynx

    Now my kitten won't stop sneezing

    First there was the ring worm (got that taken care of and she is on the mend) and then an ear infection (an ear wash was prescribed) but through it all my kitten won't stop sneezing. She is on lysine and the vet put her on an anti viral (starts with f). It does not seem to be working. I...