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  1. P

    My Boys!

    Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself and my two precious pink brothers! My name is Jess and their names are Django and Trip, they are about 17 weeks old. Both sons of Enzo Ferrari and Lulu of Oregon, I anticipate they are going to be some pretty large young men! These are my first...
  2. @kingkenzobare_


  3. @kingkenzobare_


  4. Monica

    My Seal Mink Nudie <3

    I wait impatiently every Saturday for weekly update photos of my boy! Here he is, 7 weeks old and counting... Kenzo Bare, officially.
  5. BusterTheCat

    Update: Officially and Expecting Mother!

    I recently made a post about the fact that I am expecting a new baby boy! I wanted to wait to show a photo until I knew the breeder was comfortable with me posting, so here he is! His Gotcha day is May 9th and I am visiting him this weekend :shame: Meet baby "Kristoff" of the Frozen litter! His...
  6. Buster the Kitten

    Buster the Kitten

    This was Buster on the first day he came into our family <3