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I'm a new sphynx mommy - and I need HELP! =)


Sep 24, 2009
Thanks for the info. Kobalt just woke me up with a very large amount of soft stools. Should o take him to vet immediately or will Saturday be ok? Is Kemo at risk of catching something? Also, Kobalts eye keeps watering...maybe I got soap in it? Wow...being a new mom is stressful.
One more thing...I haven't seen either kitten drink much water and i have both a running fountain and a bowl.

I'm assuming you have a wellness visit scheduled for Saturday? If that's the case, what I might do is just call the vet and tell them what's going on. Let them guide you as to if they want the boys seen sooner or if Saturday is still okay. They'll probably ask you a few more questions about behavior and habits. If they think he should be seen, they might be able to move up your appointment.

They will get some moisture from the wet food and just because you didn't see them drink, doesn't mean they didn't. When you are at the vet, ask them to show you how they tell if a kitty is dehydrated. Since you are in the health care profession, they should be glad to explain.

Soft stool can be from something like coccidia or giardia (which I hear is tough to find on slides so some vets will treat based on symptoms). It can also be from a change in diet, overfeeding, lots of things. Your vet can put your mind at ease.

I know it's tough to be a new Momma. It's great that you are so observant and ready to take action...just don't forget to breathe and enjoy these first days too! :ThumbsUp:


Apr 7, 2009
Congrats.....they look adorable :Smile:
I wouldn't wait to long with the vet's visit....they are still little baby's...if there is something wrong....it could go fast with such little ones....


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 14, 2010
Diarrhea WITH the distended pot belly is a typical symptom of some type of parasite- worms, coccidia, giardia. I am not ruling out that the kitten may be stressed and that might have caused diarrhea, but I am also considering that coccidia/giardia is easily obtained and easily treated.

Good news is- most vets will let you run a fecal in and have it looked at under the microscope. If one kitten has coccidia/giardia, the other kitten definitely has it. Stress can sometimes force a kitten to exhibit the symptoms while the other kitten does not.

It's not something serious to panic about, but it's something that you can run a poop sample into your vet before the check-up and get that looked at before you go in. That way, if you need meds, you can pick them up at your appointment :)

I know far too much about poo and kittens/cats ;) That's what I get for years of rescue!


Jan 1, 2010
This is soo exciting for you!! Two things....they will be in your bed at night and they will still be in your bed when you are not home :Laugh: My guy knows how to pull back the covers and cuddles right back in when we leave for work.

These are the most amazing cats you will ever have!

Have fun with them and good job preparing!

About the pot belly! Get a fecal done. Loki was sick for a full month and no one would test his stool because the vet records from the breeder said he had been dewormed 3 times. Guess what....he was infested with round worms and had the exact symptoms you're talking about. I would not wait to get him checked out!

Lisa Dobby

May 8, 2010
Hi I am a new owner myself.. I have to say my kitten really likes his tube... It is about 3 feet long and crinkle material... Like a tent only louder... I got it at JSYK... Don't know if you have that store where you are from... It only cost $5.00 but it has been the best $5.00 I ever spent on a toy for an animal! Best of luck to you... Lisa :)