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  1. MommyNaNell

    8 yrs old cat diagnosed with overgrowth of bad bacteria..

    I am new to the Lair, and new to owning a Sphynx. My cat's name is Devlinn, she will be 9 years old December 7th. I received my cat from a family member who owns quite a few. I brought her home at the end of June. She started having diarrhea a little before I took her home. We traveled 800 miles...
  2. Janie Evo

    Raw food and Petting

    Hi probably the stupidest question ever but my baby was reared on Raw food and has a rwa meat bone and cartridge fine ground mix. After he eats it are we safe to pet him as raw food carried bugs ... Do i have to clean him with soap? So stupid i know but he is licking his paws and trotting...
  3. ElinOline

    Yeast and bacterial infection

    Hey! As I miss seeing pictures of different skin issues, or I am very bad at searching when I'm curious about something. I just want to share this picture with you of Mika. We brought her to the vet today as she had developed a miscouloring or rash on her chin. The vet took a skinsample and...