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bathing issues

  1. Gray

    Help with some brown spots/soap recommendations

    Hello everyone, My Marcline has these small brown spots that I know are dirt spots, but I cant seem to get rid of them. We have tried all sorts of tricks online and even gently scrubbing with a glove loofa (so i can make sure Im not pressing too hard) and they just never go away. I have...
  2. Fancy Pants

    Bathing Troubles

    hello everyone. My cat Fancy Pants absolutely HATES baths... she is scared of them. Any suggestions to get her more used to taking a bath and to make it more pleasant for both of us ??? Please help!
  3. Marerickson

    Dirt spots & bathing

    Hey guys it's been just about a week with Zhuri and I love her SO MUCH! She is hilarious, I literally laugh out loud at her many times throughout the day! She is doing great, her vet checkup went good and we couldn't be happier! I did give her a bath on Monday and trimmed her nails, cleaned...
  4. themodifieddoll

    Worst Bath Ever

    Tonight was Godiva's biannual bath and I have to say I have never see her have such a negative reaction to water than she had tonight She screamed and thrashed and tried to claw up my arms and I'm just so lost She's fussed a little in the past, but never anything like this What could have happened?