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  1. OlgaMaria

    Behaviour issues

    Hello everyone! I have a lovely 9 month old sphynx girl, her name is Olga. I’ll just jump straight to the point…she bites a lot (playing) and although I try to correct this behaviour simply by stopping any play if she bites, she still does it. She loves cuddling with my boyfriend, she is much...
  2. chillinq88

    How much should I be feeding my cat?

    Hi everyone! An update on the last thing about Artemis, she is doing a lot better now- we gave her antibiotics and she is no longer sick! Yay! But now, a new problem has arisen. I don't think I'm feeding her enough. I feed her about a full can of wet food a day (one half in the morning, one...
  3. Spight

    Voldemort rises...

    So we got our first sphynx kitten around a month ago. He's called Voldemort, Mortie for short. He's around 4.5 months old and teething hardcore. He's a funny little fellow, he'll kinda play fetch and likes to carry his toys around the apartment in his mouth. He's also very bitey at the moment so...
  4. Amy31

    Play time..

    Does anyone else have a slight problem with "play time"? My little one is extreamly loving, but it's like someone flips a switch and he's crazy! He flys round the house crashing into everything possible, launches himself at faces, backs, legs from miles away, (when he's being lovey he climbs on...