hello, everyone! i’m new to the sphynxlair community and the world of cat ownership but i’d really love to adopt a sphynx!
i have a bit of an allergy but have completely fallen in love with this breed and have been doing plenty of research for a while on trusted breeders.
please reach out if...
Hello! I’ve took the best advice from this community when it came to cleaning my cats ear. I was wondering though, is it common that when you clean their ears they start to salivate a lot and drooling afterwards? Is it an allergic reaction ?
Hi everyone,
My cat Kendrick has had this rash for about a week, I have tried giving her cat Benadryl in hopes it was perhaps allergies and there is no change.
Her diet has no changed at all her food has been the same. She gets a bath every two weeks and has been for the last 10 years.
Hi there, my name's Al, short for a girl's name :)
I own a two year old husky and I will be picking up a 3 year old don sphynx mama that is retiring from a breeder next weekend..
I am feeling positive about the whole situation because:
1) My dog is well exercised and mostly sleeps when...
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