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  1. Little Pumpkin

    Changing Colours ?

    Hello everyone, my baby is 6 months old and her colour has changed so much. She was chocolate mink until the end of summer, then she starting to get darker, and I really love it, but it surprised me :giggle:. Is that the same for your babies ? Fist pic is on August and the seconde one today :love:
  2. WrinkleInTime

    Red Sphynx Colors.

    Hello! We are getting our first Sphynx baby at the end of march! Babies were born on November 24th :love: .We are trying to decide which baby is for us, the breeder will send individual photos in a couple days. There is one Red male, and all his siblings are black! His mom is a tortie and she...
  3. KruegerandSimba


    Hello everyone. Can anyone help me with the names of the colouring of my sphynx babies?
  4. Mercy

    What color is my new baby? 4 Month Old Spyhnx :)

    Hi, This is Ysera Von Bunnings Snag (Ysera). She's 4 months old approximately, is missing 1" off her tail and is very sweet regardless. What colour is she actually?
  5. Seppo

    Discolored area of skin

    Hello I'm new to sphynxies and am in a bit of a panic before I call the vet! Seppo is a young black sphynx. I came home from a weekend away (over which time my friend, the vet, was cat sitting and he was glued to her a lot!) and he's got a lighter patch of skin on his side (about a square...