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  1. kaylachristine

    Switching from dry food to freeze-dried raw?

    Hi everyone, I’ve had little Violet home for 17 days now. Wowza!! She makes me so happy, life is so much better with her around. When I brought her home, I was feeding Orijen kibble and raw twice a day at recommendation of her breeder. She was having diarrhea, and thanks to the suggestions from...
  2. deanna

    freeze dried treat/food?

    so i found the website and it seems to have freeze dried treats/ food for cats and dogs, i really would love to try the treats out. now i know how sensitive sphynx stomachs can be, would it throw him off with one of these treats? right now he is on dry/wet food. has anyone given there kitties...
  3. deanna

    freeze dried treat/food?

    so i found the website and it seems to have freeze dried treats/ food for cats and dogs, i really would love to try the treats out. now i know how sensitive sphynx stomachs can be, would it throw him off with one of these treats? right now he is on dry/wet food. has anyone given there kitties...