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  1. Kawiipops

    Adoted 1yr old aggressive/unsocialized

    Hi, any help really appreciated. Last year we sadly lost our 2 boys who we had from kitten, we decided it was time to adopt a new boy. We found Yoshi a very large 1year4 month old sphynx and decided we'd love him to join our family. We were told he lived with 2 dogs which he found stressful and...
  2. oolahappi

    Elf trying to mount Sphynx

    Does anyone have a male and female, both fixed (neutered and spayed), yet the male tries to mate with the (very uninterested) female? My Elf was neutered at 10 weeks, but since he turned 1 year old, he seems to have these daily urges where he wants to bite my spayed Sphynx on the neck and mount...