Welcome to Sphynxlair! Connect with Sphynx owners & enthusiasts around the world!

seal point

  1. Meg5200

    Meet Phoenix!

    Meet Phoenix, he is a retired breeder who is almost 4. He is absolutely the sweetest cat who loves cuddles and has the prettiest blue eyes! I have only had him a week and our family is absolutely in love with him :love:
  2. Tired Kitty

    Tired Kitty

    On our way home from the breeder and he was pooped
  3. CatLadyForLife

    What color is this sphynx kitten?

    Hi everyone! I’m trying to choose between 2 different kittens. This first one has typical “Siamese” markings dark points and a brown toned body... the eyes appear to be golden, though I haven’t met her yet in person to confirm. I’m attaching photos of her and her mother :) Thanks for any insight!
  4. Sammicarkeys

    New Sphynx Momma

    In one week I'll be getting a gorgeous seal point boy. I'm having trouble coming up with a name for him. Would anyone like to help??! :) I've always owned cats but this is my first hairless. If anyone has any tips for me, it would be greatly appreciated!
  5. CYMERA_20170209_180423


    He's so perfect he almost looks fake
  6. CYMERA_20170209_180557


    I just love him more and more with every pic
  7. EmmaKristina

    Look to buy my first Sphynx kitten; reputable breeds in the MA/NY/VT area?

    Hello everyone! I am very excited to buy my first Sphynx kitten after months of research and years of wanting one. I would like to buy a Sphynx (leaning towards a seal or chocolate point). Does anyone know any reputable breeds around those areas? What are some breeders I should look out for? My...
  8. L

    New here!

    Hi! We are new here! Just got our first Sphynx baby on April 8. He's 3 months old and we are so in love with him! I named him Akhenaten after the alien pharaoh of Egypt. Akhen for short. My wife and I also have a 1 year old human boy ;) So excited to have found sphynx lair. The picture with his...