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specialist vets

  1. MajikkuMachida

    Need a Sphynx Specialist in CoronaVirus In South Florida

    Hello All! My 1 year old sphynx kitten was recently diagnosed with CoronaVirus. I am waiting on more test results to pick up the paper work. I am looking for a specialist that can help my kitty. Sadly I looked up the breeder that I purchased my sphynx from and I found two reviews from the time...
  2. Amy31

    HCM screening and UK specialist vets

    hi all I've been reading up,on HCM and I'm wanting to get my little one screened to sort of put me at ease, I have absolutely no worries about his health but I'd feel even better doing this! On a lot of things I read it says to screen the if breeding, surely you can have it done if you are not...