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  1. Venice5

    Looking for a Furless Best Friend, Vermont

    Hi there, I’m looking for a furless best friend, and I’m located in Vermont. I’m willing to travel to boarding states and possibly further for the right fit. I am a 27-year-old with one other (furry) kitty. She is a 5-year-old shy-sweetheart who is neutered and loves other felines. She’s...
  2. C

    Long transit from breeder to new home ...

    Hi, everyone! I’m in the process of simultaneously sourcing a breeder I’m comfortable with and convincing my family (husband and two kids, 12 & 14) that they could be ‘cat people’. The breeder I am most interested in is interstate to me; about 3 hours flight, but probably a total travel...
  3. amhoneyliz

    Looking to adopt!

    hi ! My name is Amber, mom to the late ophelia(Cat) I am looking to adopt any kitty of any sex age weight, I am also willing to travel. I have been searching for a sphynx for about a year now, I started a few months after Cat had passed fromHCM. I am pretty attached to the idea of adopting...