My male cat acts like a female please help


I have a male cat (please only serious answers and yes I'm trying to breed, please no mean comments) and when he's out around he won't touch her, she's in heat. He'll put his rear end up in the air, make noises and rub up against everything, I has them both in the room at night together (I figure maybe he'll get her then) but so far it's her second heat and it seems she still hasn't gotten pregnant please no mean comments I'm new to breeding and I've breed Bulldogs (all are healthy and the mother is now fixed and still alive at 11) so I'm not being a mean breeder I'm just curious as to why and I don't want to get him fixed but I don't want anything bad to happen to him because I love them all so please only serious comments
It can take a while for males to figure it all out. Our breeder shared pics of a male who was clueless and a female just kept backing up in his face literally. Just like with humans it doesn’t always work every time.
It could simply take time for him to come around. How many heats has she been in? It just doesn’t happen on the spot. There isn’t teaching is a natural thing and it does not always result in pregnancy quickly.
Not every heat is a full heat from what I have heard...she might not be giving off full vibes if you know what I mean lol. Touch base with your breeder they can be your best resource....good luck.
Positive vibes your way hugs n head smooches to all paws ..
Perhaps your vet may have some suggestions too
Hopeful your breeder may have some advice and breeding members
May surely chime in with a PM

Keep us updated
@ashleyc welcome to sphynxlair. I'm no breeder so have little to no experinece with this. Maybe he needs some time to understand what he is supposed to do?
And no idea if this can be with cats...maybe he doesn't like her? I know with wild animals this can be the case.

Good luck!