I’ve been looking for a sphynx for a while now. Recently within the last couple days, new posts came up on a couple different websites. I emailed/texted each one, and I just want to know how to tell if something is real. It seemed weird to me that the three that responsed, all had one...
Hello, I am a married college student in Dayton Ohio, and I am looking for a male sphynx to add to our family. I currently own two other male cats, though both are friendly with other cats after having time to adjust. I am willing to drive to nearby states for local pickup, and may consider...
I'm 11 and my mom said I can get a sphynx kitten if I raise 700$ which is half the price of the kittens in the breeder we've found. I also have to pay for half the supplies (the cat is 1200$ so the extra hundred is my part of supplies.) but I'm running out of ways to make money!:banghead: My...
Hi everyone
I am getting ready for my Kitten to come home and I am buying things for his homecoming! I don't want to get too overzealous. I have been looking at cat trees and travel carriers.
-Should I invest in a cat tree before he comes home? I'd like to see if he likes to climb UP before I...
Hello all,
I was referred to this awesome forum by a friend of mine! My husband and I just settled down, bought a house, and are finally ready for our dream kitty. We have both wanted a Sphynx from a young age and are eager to add a little one to our family! We have no children, one other kitty...
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