Hello there friends! I'm a new member who is eagerly awaiting the gotcha day of Aug 5th for my little girl Tykhe.
I've been lurking around Sphynxlair for a while and considering a sphynx for several years, but finally took the plunge and CANNOT wait. My biggest question and want for advice...
At least that’s the case in our house! So happy that my hairball and my naked love each other!!
I’ve said it 100x over the last week, but I’m truly so very impressed with this breed. So affectionate, attentive, smart and silly!! Here I am, the dog lover, the anti-cat lady, singing the...
Cats and Cat Years Conversion
Converting between cat years and human years isn't as simple as using a factor of 7 (as some people erroneously think with dogs, and sometimes cats). The main reason is that cats mature quickly in the first couple of years of life. To convert cat age to an...
I crate my sphynx at night and was wondering if I bought a duel crate and have the dog and cat crated at night together they can get used to eachother. I would put mesh over the divider so the cant couldnt put a paw thru and it would only be at night till I felt they were used to eachother. I am...
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