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chronic diarrhea

  1. HClower

    Eat, Poop pure water within 15 minutes, repeat. PLEASE HELP!

    So I brought in an unaltered, 2 year old female sphynx back in April. I already had a year and a half old altered male. I knew she wasn't utd on her vax, but was told she was healthy and there were no issues. Got her home, bringing iams kitten food along from the original owner as she said this...
  2. Aden

    Newbie - help me understand my cats IBD

    Hello Sphynx Lair-- In March I adopted a 5-year-old male Sphynx, Nuru, that had been kept by neglectful owners. Since receiving him, I have had several problems with litter box training, "poop tail," and chronic diarrhea. Upon adopting him, I learned that Nuru had Irritable Bowel Disease. I...