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  1. A

    New sphynx

    Hello all ! I’ve recently adopted a female Dwelf I drove 14 hours to go get her and realized she was sick during the car ride home . Turns out she has conjunctivitis and feline herpes :( I paid 2500 for her and the breeder was pressing me to give her 500 more for breeding rights (even went as...
  2. treefoil

    Mycoplasma and Herpes

    Hey there, my boy Oscar has eye-issues since i got him one year ago. I tried different vets, and homeopathy. Homeopathy worked best so far but the problems didnt go away.... now I saw a new vet and she told me to visit an eye-clinic, because she thinks its an entropium. While searching the net...
  3. pussiette

    Reocurring Conjunctivitis

    Is it common for this breed of cat to have recurring conjunctivitis?