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  1. Gesundheit

    Cats don't SIT on my lap!

    Lighthearted rant: I love my babies to death, and always I'm happy to snuggle with them. The trouble is getting them to that snuggling point. Does anyone else have a cat or a (hopefully) small dog that just paces and turns around in your lap, rather than planting their fuzzy little rump? I...
  2. Marerickson

    Evening snuggles

    Zhuri got the rest of her shots today. Poor babe cried like a baby! Now we are spending the rest of the evening snuggling under a warm blanket in bed catching up on our shows :kiss: i live for these moments with her! My heart is so full
  3. sammii138

    looking to adopt in MA area

    Looking to give a loving home to a sphynx in need ,I'm located in Massachusetts and currently have an 8 month old dog and 3 year old cat and am interested in expanding my family
  4. deesphynxqueen


    Well the days come and I FINALLY was able to get my little girls. let me tell you I have one furry queen who is super annoyed with my new furless queen. The other little girl is much more mellow and timid. But 3 hours after I'm home and we are snuggling on the couch. My two new sphynx girls love...