First time posting here! I’ve enjoyed reading the threads here and have learned so much. Now, I have a question of my own.
This is Karma! We adopted her about a year ago. She will be 7 yrs old in January. Her previous parents bathed her about once a month with JP Pet Tearless Shampoo. I...
Always something new with my boy I’m not quite sure what this is. This is AFTER two baths, one with Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo and scrubbing with a mit, he used j&j his whole life, he’s 2 years old now. Then when I noticed this, I made him sit with a prescription shampoo on for a bit then...
Hi all. I have 2 sphynx boys, Albus (6) and Draco (2), and Draco is significantly more oily than Albus. He gets dirtier faster, his ears get waxier faster, and his nails get gunkier faster. Which of course means that between baths (1-2 weeks), furniture and counters get more marks on them. Does...
I’m wondering which shampoo people have found to be the best? Initially I visited Whiskers Holistic Pet Care store in 2013 and was recommend a shampoo from a brand called Gold, but this was discontinued within a couple of years. I was then recommended an algae shampoo from same pet store, and...
Hey my little 5 months old Nala has gotten very dirty eyes around the last week...
I tried getting it off with a warm washcloth and coconut oil etc. but it seems like the skin there is quite irritaded since she hates it when i try to clean it off. And around 6-8 hrs later its all back on and i...
So I give my sphynx, Gemma, a bath every other week. However, her paws always seem to have dirt around them whether I scrub them or just lather. Baby wipes don't help and I would love to know any advice you could give me. Thank you!
Doom recently got his cone of shame removed after a surgery. We noticed his face getting dirtier than usual while wearing the cone. We wiped him down a few times, but it didn't seem too bad. The day we took off the cone (day staples were removed) my husband bathed him. We use coconut oil and...
My boy, Beethoven, is about 6 months old. I bathe him at least once a week, maximum every three days, but he always looks dirty. He has brown spots everywhere, and the fur between his eyes and above his nose is an icky brown/green colour. I use a Burts Bees shampoo for kittens and I put olive...
Kisa gets dirty so fast it is insane... I'm guessing it's the dust from the cat litter. But I still don't get how she gets that much dust on her, cause it's not like she lays down belly-first in the cat litter while using it, he he. I do use babywipes everyday to try to clean her a bit...
Hey all! I'm new here and I got my first sphynx 2 months ago.
I was looking for information here, cause my baby got some spots on skin :( She already had them in cattery, but they were really small and only on her back and chin, so I though its just pigment or sebum (i have chinese crested dog...
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