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  1. SphynxMom1993

    What is oldest Sphynx you have put under anesthesia or know of for dental or other?

    I am curious the oldest Sphynx you have put under anesthesia for a dental or other surgery? Is it just Ketamine to avoid? Do they usually do ok on anesthesia? Our Sphynx is 15 years old. We've fed raw for 10 years and our vet said last year and even UT vet school in 2013 her teeth looked fine. I...
  2. Umephere

    Worried about my kitty

    Hi! I have had my kitten Umephere, Umie for short, since August. I've been around sphynxes since I was 10, and she is having some issues I have never seen before this consistently and this badly. She was really, really small, like 3 pounds at 4 months old and would eat like a rabbid animal. (she...