Our Little Sebastian comes home in September! He’ll be about 12 weeks old then, and probably quite small! 8 years ago when Archibald was a baby, I just hit little arm holes in a knee sock for him! But I’m hoping that technology is advanced and someone somewhere is making their own teeny tiny...
Hello All!
My 1 year old sphynx kitten was recently diagnosed with CoronaVirus. I am waiting on more test results to pick up the paper work. I am looking for a specialist that can help my kitty. Sadly I looked up the breeder that I purchased my sphynx from and I found two reviews from the time...
please help
specialist veterinarians
specialist vets
vet choice help suggestion kitten health choice
vet in fort lauderdale
vet in miami
vet in south florida
Yesterday I officially became a sphynx owner. I live in Massachusetts and took a four hour drive to New York to pick up my beautiful 3 month old lilac mink kitten, whom I named Giza (I feel he has super Egyptian look). He was an only child, and is much more timid than many of the other kittens...
Hello everyone! I am very excited to buy my first Sphynx kitten after months of research and years of wanting one. I would like to buy a Sphynx (leaning towards a seal or chocolate point). Does anyone know any reputable breeds around those areas? What are some breeders I should look out for? My...
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