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  1. LvxMagick

    Black Oil From Sphynx getting into Nose

    So I went took my 6 month Sphynx to the Vet to get her shots & a routine check up, I asked him about a problem I heard with the breathing noise I hear coming from her. he wasn't much help, but he did point out that the it sounded like it was coming from her nose. My wife usually cleans the...
  2. gianna

    One of my boys is extra oily. Help? ALSO, fav products for cleaning paws?

    Hi all. I have 2 sphynx boys, Albus (6) and Draco (2), and Draco is significantly more oily than Albus. He gets dirtier faster, his ears get waxier faster, and his nails get gunkier faster. Which of course means that between baths (1-2 weeks), furniture and counters get more marks on them. Does...
  3. K

    About Sphynx

    Hello my name is Alex, I'm thinking about currently purchasing a Sphynx Cat or a Cornish Rex. My mother doesn't like fur a lot so these seem to be the perfect choice but I would like to ask a question to the community. I've heard that Sphynx cat get oily in general and wanted to know which cat...
  4. gildedlily

    HELP: What are these brown spots?! (Pics)

    We bathe Prunella (Pru) once a month. We use Johnson and Johnsons baby shampoo and baby wash cloths. I have been noticing that Pru has been getting these brown spots all over her body. Mainly on the top of her body. Before we bathe her we cover her entire body in a thin layer of coconut oil...
  5. amhoneyliz

    Dirt spots that won't go away

    Hi there. My sphynx Ophelia has developed built up oil areas on her belly back legs, around her butt and one spot on her neck. I know it is not her coloring because she didn't have these spots when I first got here a year ago when she was three. I've tried washing the area and I tried coconut...