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elf sphynx

  1. I can't handle his cuteness

    I can't handle his cuteness

    Toluca is the sweetest boy. I've only had him for 3 days but it feels like I've known him my whole life because he is just so snuggly and comfortable already! I can't believe it. He is hilarious too. Thank you God for blessing me with this angel.
  2. LuckyNo21

    Still can't figure out her name

    So I have had my new baby since late Friday night and am stuck between two names. I need to hurry up and decide so she can learn her name and we can register her microchip and get a pet tag. At first we were going to name her Nala thinking she looked like a little Nala lion, then once I got her...
  3. LuckyNo21

    Our new baby finally came home last night!

    I fell in love immediately! She is 13 weeks and just the sweetest little girl ever, already loving and rubbing all over us. We are still deciding between 2 names, but here she is!
  4. LuckyNo21

    Soon-To-Be First Time Sphynx Owner!

    Hello everyone. I'm so excited to say I will soon finally be a proud Sphynx owner! I figured I ought to join the forum in the meantime. I've wanted a hairless my whole life and finally pulled the trigger. I was lucky enough to get chosen for an adorable Seal & White Elf Sphynx girl that we...
  5. oolahappi

    Baby Blue Elf

    Introducing 13 week old Iggy! Luckily, resident cat Oolie quickly accepted him. She follows him around and licks his butt with some intermittent hissing and growling.
  6. oolahappi

    Oops, I did it again...

    I'm getting my Sphynx girl a little boyfriend! He's technically an ELF, but still naked, so hopefully he will be accepted by the Sphynx community! Gotcha date not until mid-July, so plenty of time to think up a fitting name. If anyone here has an ELF, say Hi!
  7. @kingkenzobare_


    Kenzo decided he wanted to try out elf life this morning.
  8. Mariah Joubert

    Need a fun name for my new baby

    She's 5 weeks now. so it will a while before i get her but i want a really fun an unique name for her!
  9. newsphynxmommy

    HELP! My Kitty is Always Sick!!!

    My poor baby ALWAYS seems to be sick and I can't tell if I am being paranoid or she really does get sick. My breeder was very reputable and I had her checked when I got home. A week later I brought her to the vet since she had weepy eyes and was sneezing a lot. They treated her for an ear...
  10. D

    Elfie died - in loving memory

    Hi all, my little Elf Sphynx, Elfie passed away this morning. A food pellet got stuck in his throat - vet called it a freak accident. He breathed in the pellet while eating. He was only 1 year 9 months old. I am crying non stop. He as such a kind little soul, friendly playful and crazy about me...
  11. AshJoJo

    Reputable breeders in Florida

    Hi everyone! I posted on here a few days ago about looking for reputable Elf Sphynx breeders. I would like to expand my search to the state of Florida as I plan on taking a trip there in November. If someone knows of a reputable breeder in Florida would you please PM me?! Thanks a million, Ash
  12. AshJoJo

    In search of an elf

    Hi everyone, I am new here and not sure if this an acceptable or appropriate question, if not I am so sorry. My husband and I had to make the heart wrenching decision to have our beautiful angel Laila put to sleep. She was diagnosed with wet FIP and it was only a matter of days before it took...